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"COME ON JILL! TIME'S A RUNNING OUT FOR SOME...." Jed yelled, then he opened the van's door. He peered outside.

      "Man...Where're you?", Jed added, "If you're still pissing, don't come inside!".

      He saw movement.

       "Hey, Jill. If you're not comin' you won't be rockin' on our bed" Jed continued.

       And then Jason Voorhees smashed through the glass window of the van.


        Glass was everywhere: on the ground; on the water bed; on Jed's hands and fingers.

        Blood dripped from the deep cuts.

        He kicked Jason in the right hand.

         But, as he did so, severed part of his right foot when it landed on the killer's sharp machete. He writhed in pain.

         And then Jason watched Jed bleed to death.

         And, once he saw him die, he fled the van of death through the broken window.

         And headed back towards the dark woods, as the moon glowed a bloody red color covering the dark branches near Camp Crystal Lake.

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Camp of Legend Part 20: More Murder Tales from the Campfire (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now