Confessions of a Drunk Blogger

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AN: So a bunch of random inspiration hit me and this is the outcome. Also Sherlock and John aren't together yet in this oneshot.

Sherlock was laying on the couch, thinking as usual. Sorting things around in his mind palace. John was away. He got invited to go to a local pub with Mike Stanford and some other friends. Sherlock could have went too, but there was no way he would. Far too many stupid people for his taste. Sherlock was brought out of his mind palace by the slamming of the front door.

"I'm hommmmmeeee!" John yelled in a high pitched voice stumbling up the stairs. At first Sherlock was confused. John leaned on the doorway to steady himself. Sherlock just stared.

"What 'chu lookin' at?" he said making a face. Sherlock deduced from the John's current state that he had obviously had way more drinks then he planned to. Sherlock chuckled and stood up to help John.

He walked him to the couch, but he refused to sit down.

"Why should I sit down? Maybe I don't want to sit on the couch. The floor looks rather comfy tonight!" he almost yelled as Sherlock tried to seat him.

"John, for the love of god, just sit the hell down!"


Finally Sherlock gave up and sat down himself. He ignored John and went back to thinking. John stood in the same spot and just stared. Sherlock looked up at him. John still did nothing but stare.


"Why don't you want me to sit anymore?" John asked seeming quite confused.

"Because you did not want to sit down remember?"

"No I don't remember." he then looked around the room and collapsed on Sherlock.

"John, what the hell!" Sherlock was startled, but of course he didn't let his surprise show.

"You looked comfy," he replied snuggling his face into Sherlock's chest. Sherlock just stared down at him.


"Yessssss?" he asked wrapping his arms around Sherlock, making the detective slightly uncomfortable.

"Your drunk. You don't even know what your doing."

"Oh really I didn't notice," he said giggling, "You can be kind of stupid sometimes, but I still wuvvvvv you!"

Sherlock smiled a little. This was rather amusing for the consulting defective. He then decided what the hell and wrapped his arms around John. The blogger giggled again.

"Dose this mean you like me? As in like like me and stuff." John's words were slurred. He looked up at Sherlock with a childish grin. "I think I like like you, stupid. Did you know that?"

"God you really are drunk," said Sherlock, who couldn't help but smile. He still noted the closeness of John's face to his. John giggle once more.

"Are you gonna kiss meeeee?" he almost sang, "because I wouldn't mind if you did."

"Your sober-self would."

"Ah, forget about him," he said still grinning. Sherlock didn't say anything. He must gave got impatient, because he cupped Sherlock's face and kissed full on the mouth. Sherlock kissed back. Finally they pulled away from each other. Sherlock looked at the blogger in his lap, slightly confused.

"This isn't how I planed this night to go, but I won't complain," Sherlock said now grinning. He thought of what sober John would think if he saw himself. He'd regret so much, but neither of them really cared. John was drunk and sitting in Sherlock's lap. Of course something was going to happen.

Finally Sherlock had convinced John to go to bed, but John only agreed when he got Sherlock to come with him. He laid on Sherlock's chest and fell asleep. Sherlock smiled thinking about how John would react in the morning. He laughed quietly and fell asleep for the first time in a week.

AN: Let me know if you think I should do a part 2 to this. It would be the next morning when they woke up. Tell me what you think!

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