12 | haunted not-so

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Sumire Aiko knows herself as a prudent soul. She has incredible sight that no one else has, attentive ears so crisp she could hear the bees bellow and a presence so invincible that no one notice her despite her rich, lilac hair showing off like fields of lavenders and wisteria forests.

Despite the extravagant glow of her aura, Aiko finds herself heeding to the lingering presence that made her feel like he's there—sitting on the right side of the bus while two rows down—mumbling profusely to his imagination. And Aiko knows he's not there anymore. Not there with her or around her. Not there to light up the honey sky bus while his shrubby head known as beautiful curls shaped like spider lilies adorn the desert-like seats.

Aiko knows he's not there, but his absence felt like a presence she wasn't used to, or felt like she knew too well.

It's been five months since they saw each other. Since the time when Midoriya Izuku's adorable freckled cheeks turned rosy red for the last time, making her wonder what that colour was. Was it an illusion or just a dream?

Aiko doesn't know. She doesn't. Not when five months felt like years, but she wonders how he's doing now. How he's feeling. How his day has been. How his dreams are coming true. ( Aiko knows he can. )

It's been quiet ever since, only the background noises resonating her ghostly presence and eyes feeding themselves over countless pages of eccentric comics. Even though she had only known Izuku for a short while, the girl was genuinely surprised that he considered her as a friend despite the odd timeline they had. But she knows he was down to earth. Especially with emerald eyes like his, a bright smile like his, cheeks like his, and him being him.

Aiko sees green eyes everywhere, but they were never his.

She spaces out from her comic anyway, viewing the blurred trees and grass and every green she sees that reminds her of him for the time being. It wasn't like she could concentrate anymore anyway. She didn't have to. When Aiko compared herself today to the days before she met him, part of her became a better version of her rueful, dull self. She wasn't the brightest person to say. Despite reading people all the time in her time of transport, Aiko had dreams revering in her head, though she never expresses them in any form of way.

So, maybe, meeting Midoriya Izuku.. was the tiny bit of push she needed to fill her palette with bright, harmonious colours.

Aiko sighs, the corners of her lips tugging upwards a bit when the thought of him comes around—how is he? She wonders how he would look like now after five months of training to be the best hero he could be, to achieve his dream. Would he be bulky like All Might? Aiko huffs a chuckle to herself, shaking her head. That'd be an exaggeration. Well, perhaps the quirky, timid boy may grow in some way. Maybe a little more mature, a little bit older, and a little bit broader. And maybe.. a little more confident.

The smile on her lips grew just a little—it would be exciting to see him again in the future, maybe soon. Aiko knows it won't be here in the bus anymore, but maybe on the way home when she's walking, or just, sitting at the bus stop waiting for her.

Yeah, that'll be great. Aiko lets out a wistful sigh, shaking her head again. She knows it'll never happen.

But Aiko knows—she smiles at the tiny, sparkling warmth resting in her heart—that she glows at the thought of him.

bus rides | midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now