Happiest Day of Our Lives

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"Bloody Hell!" Kilgrave shouted, from the bathroom. 

I crawled out of bed, still naked from a week of sex. "What is wrong, baby?" Running my hand up his spine and to the back of his neck. 

Kilgrave growled. "I want to look my very best for our wedding and I can't even cut a straight line." 

"It's okay, baby. You can have a clean shave, besides I like with your face it all baby-like," I purred, kissing his arm up. "You know, we haven't talked about our honeymoon." 

Kilgrave chuckled, purring as he picked up and placed me on the bathroom counter. "Wherever you are, I will follow." 

My hands slid across his chest, taking his shirt off. 

 Kilgrave grabbed my hands. "I cannot believe I am saying this, but darling, we can't. Not right now."

I scoffed. "Why?" 

"Did you forget the entire week we just had? Besides, don't you want to save your breath for our honeymoon?" Kilgrave's voice got that adorable squeak when the pitch of his voice went high. 

I grabbed his face, pulling him in and kissing him. "This is why I love you." 

Kilgrave gave a gentle push as I hopped off the counter. He patted my butt as I left the bathroom. 

I rummaged through the closet, falling on the bed with a loud sigh. "Kilgrave?" I sang, enchanting him from the bathroom. "What should I wear?"

"Anything. But I prefer you to wear something purple, at least." 

"Hmm, you and your purple." I shot off the bed and pulled the prefect thing to weak. "You know, we haven't been to Ireland. I hear the Adare manor is really lovely. Or Umaid Bhawan Palace in India." 

Kilgrave purred, pulling me in his arms. "I think destroying a relic would be wonderful." 

"We should probably get a move on."

We hopped on a private, making our way to Adare Manor in Ireland. Kilgrave didn't like cameras, but he allowed a few pictures of us. I went up to the dressing room where some women helped me get ready. The dress I chose was one of my favorites. It was a light purple and a long train with a leafy dark purple pattern. 

I gave a sigh attracting unwanted attention by accident. 

"Are you feeling okay, miss?" A young girl asked as she curled my hair. 

"Just nervous." 

She pinned my hair back. "Well, there is no need to be nervous. That man is clearly lucky to have you. He seems to love you very much." 

I chuckled. "I know he does and I love him. But I am nervous, spending the rest of my life with one person. Possibly starting a family."

Another girl walked in the room. "Everything is ready, miss."

I nodded, standing up. Taking a deep breath in, I made my way to the aisle. Exhaling, I looked down, watching my feet as I made my way to Kilgrave. When I was close, I looked right at him, taking in everything. He looked so handsome in his purple, well-tailored suit.  Just the sight of him made me weak in my knees. But the look of his face when he gazed at me. The way his eyes sparkled and his cheeks turned slightly pink. He was clearly turned on. Standing in front of him, I handed my flowers to the girl behind me. I took his hands in mine as the priest went on with his speech. 

"We..." The priest started to hesitate which made Kilgrave frown. 

Kilgrave looked at the man with sharp eyes. "Do not mess up this wedding. Continue the speech with no hesitation!" 

The man nodded, continuing our wedding. "We are here today to unite these two people. They have decided to devote their lives to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirely, as lover, companion, and friend. No jealousy may break the two of you from one another. Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and care for one another, to cherish and hold, to stand together through sorrows and joys for all the days of your lives?" 

We both smiled and said I do. 

"The vows may be said." The priest stepped back, giving us a little space. 

"Well, I suppose I will go given the look of shock in your eyes," Kilgrave said, clearing throat. "Juliet, the first time we met was by a random chance of luck. I went through life having everything I could ever dream of. But the only thing I ever wanted was you and you walked away from me. Without you, I would be doing so many bloody bads things. You are the only person I want to be with. Everyone else can leave us, we could lock away the world so we can have each other to ourselves. That would be paradise. Wherever you go, I want to be right there holding your hand. I never loved everything in my life until you. Nothing bad will ever hurt you, not while I'm here. Because I love you, Juliet." 

I tried holding back my tears. "I don't have words that can top that. I love you so much. Kilgrave, you saved me more times than I can count. And for the longest time, I blamed my issues on you but I realized that you did nothing but good. Right now, I want nothing more to spend the rest of my life with you and only you."

The priest waved for the rings. "Miss Juliet, repeat after me... I, Juliet, take Kilgrave to love and to hold. In sickness and in health. To love him every day of my life." 

I repeated his words and so did Kilgrave.  

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, Mrs and Mr... Kilgrave? You may kiss the bride," the priest said, ending the ceremony. 

Kilgrave dipped me down planting a strong kiss on my lips, his hands running over my body. The people there threw flower petals as we exited the Manor. Hopping on the jet we were off the Umaid Bhawan Palace. 

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