No Teasing

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We went to Paris for a romantic getaway. It was what I needed, it cleared my head. But it was a relief getting back home. Deb and Louis cooked us a big meal. Sitting at the table we heard the tv talk about a man holding his family at gunpoint. Kilgrave ordered it to be turned off. But that didn't stop the thoughts running through my mind. 

I stood up, the chair falling behind me. Walking to the door, Kilgrave got protective. 

"Where are you going, Love?" He shouted, following me to the door. 

"I need a walk," I sighed, blinking tears away. 

Kilgrave went to grab him, stopping his reach. 


"Are you coming back?" Kilgrave questioned. He was always afraid I'd leave him. 

I nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? The walk won't talk long." 

Leaving the house, I hit up the liquor store and went to the nearest park. I sat down next to the pond, watching the ducks and little kids run around. My past was making it hard to move forward. And that wasn't fair to Kevin, Kilgrave. Once the bottle of whiskey was gone, I walked home only to find Deb and Louis waiting for me. 

"Master is up there, ma'am," Deb said, pointing up the stairs. 

Louis gave me many breath mints. "He has a surprise for you." 

The tv was back on, shouting about the guy stilling holding his family against their will.

"Okay," I said under my breath, making my way upstairs. 

Rose petals lead me to the bedroom. I rolled my eyes at how cliche this was. Pushing the door open, Kilgrave was down on one knee, holding a ring box open. I clicked my tongue and put my hand on my hip. 

"I know, you hate anything that is cliche, but I want you to remember this," Kilgrave huffed. "Baby, I love you and you know that. I want to spend my entire life with you, Juliet Jones. I want to be there with you no matter what. The only person to have your back. The only one to have you." 

I covered my mouth, slightly shocked. 

"Will you marry me, baby?" 

I chuckled, going over to his desk and sitting on the top of it. Kilgrave followed, standing in front of me. He ran his hand over mine. 

"Kev, I love you, but right now... Well, there are people out there suffering while you're in here with that amazing mind of yours. Do a good deed and then come back to me and tell me how it feels." 

Kilgrave scoffed, rolling his eyes. "A good deed?" 

I grabbed his hand, leading it up the inside of my leg. He moaned as it went farther up. I lead his hand, guiding his fingers inside me, riding him. Leading him on, I stopped before he could have more. 

"I'm going to take a bubble bath," I purred, standing up. "We can finish this later, maybe."

Kilgrave pulled me back. "You know I hate ultimatums."

I smiled, running my hand down his pants. "I know." 

I then backed away and went to the bathroom for my bubble bath.

Wrapping myself in a warm bathrobe, I went downstairs for a snack. The door busted open and Kilgrave hopped though. 

"I want cake!" He shouted, twirling me around. 

I giggled. "Why are you so happy?" 

"I did what you said, I saved that family. Almost, I almost made that man kill himself, but then I thought of you. The feelings of that woman, so grateful. It was unbelievable." Kilgrave set me down, kissing me deeply. 

"Deb, Louis," I called to the kitchen. "Make a cake," I jumped up, wrapping my legs around Kilgrave, whispering. "We're getting married."

Kilgrave and I chuckled as he carried me to the bedroom. 

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