No Control

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Kilgrave made me do things, things that only monsters would do. But he was patient and didn't touch me in certain ways. I could feel his control slipping away, but I stayed. Being with Kilgrave made me feel stronger.

"Juliet!" He called from the living room. "Come here, I have a surprise for you!"

I did as he said, almost falling from shook when I saw Jack sitting there."No!" I shouted, turning to run.

"Juliet, come and sit on my lap," Kilgrave ordered. Sitting in him, I did my best to not look at Jack. "Is this the monster that hurt you?"

I gave a nod, still looking away, holding onto Kilgrave.

"Please, let me go and I'll give you whatever you want!" Jack shouted, trying to bargain.

"Oh, shut up!" Kilgrave demanded, playing with my hair, making me look at him. "What do you think we should do with this thing?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I w... I want to make him feel the pain he made me feel. The torture me did to me, making me into this.. this thing. I want him to die. But I want an apology."

"Hmm, yes. You heard the lady, apologize!" Kilgrave's sharp gaze was on Jack.

Jack looked at me with those same murderous eyes as always. "I am sorry," he spat out through gritted teeth.

"No, not good enough!" Kilgrave shouted, holding me tighter. "You will apologize for everything you've done to her! Be a poet about it."

The monster cracked his neck before continuing. "Juliet, I am sorry for stealing you off the streets. For taking you to my lab where I conducted torturous experiments for my own satisfaction. Most of all, I am sorry for raping you."

Kilgrave looked at me with soft eyes that quickly filled with rage. "You raped her?"

Jack nodded like a coward.

"Say it!" Kilgrave screamed.

"Yes, I-- I raped Juliet," he replied with a whimper.

Kilgrave gently moved me aside, only to stand to intimidate Jack more. "You do not get to say her name, not ever!" He roughly roared, being up close and personal to Jack.

Jack quickly shook his, agreeing with Kilgrave.

While I have been with Kilgrave, his actions have changed. With any other girl, he would have known to the dogs, but when it came to me... Well, Kilgrave seemed to protect my image. If there was any pervert that looked at me sidewise, he'd make them do something horrible. It was as if Kilgrave had feelings for. But that had to be impossible. Kilgrave was a monster, just like Jack.

His spicy brown eyes rested on me. "What do you want to do to him first?"

I could barely bring up the courage to speak. "I want to rip his fingernails out. I want him to feel as much pain as possible."

"Do you want to do it?" Kilgrave questioned, allowing me to stand and walk closer.

A sly smile crossed my face. I quickly shook my head. "No! I'm not killing away one!" I shouted.

Kilgrave looked shocked. "Juliet, listen to me," Kilgrave gently gripped the side of my face, making me look into his eyes. "I am doing this for you. For us, so take care of him."

I pulled myself away, stepping back. "I will not do your dirty work!" 

"What are you talking about? Juliet, kill him!" Kilgrave shouted in anger. 

"No!" I screamed, running out of the building, but he followed. 

"Juliet! Juliet, you get back here!"He screamed at me, but I didn't turn around. 

Not until I heard tires squeal. Kilgrave was hit by a bus, so I ran. 

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