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She sits down opposite of Maria and Nick, her eyes looking everywhere but them

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She sits down opposite of Maria and Nick, her eyes looking everywhere but them. After what she had just heard, she couldn't get the picture of Bucky being tortured out of her head. Nick pulls out a picture of Pierce and places it on the table.

"This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said "Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues."

"We have to stop the launch," Natasha says.

"I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore." Nick opens a briefcase, revealing three identical chips. Maya glances up from her feet to the case reluctantly.

"What's that?" Sam asks.

"Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized," Maria briefs.

"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own."

"One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are gonna die."

Maya nods her head at the information being laid out. She was about to speak up, to give orders to the rest of the team about what has to be done, until Nick beat her to it.

"We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We need to get pass them, insert the server blades, and maybe, just maybe, we can salvage what's left-"

"Salvage?" Maya asks, her voice an octave higher. "S.H.I.E.L.D's done. It's fucked. We're not salvaging anything. It all goes down."

Nick looks at her, taken aback by her language. "S.H.I.E.L.D had nothing to do with it."

"You gave us this mission, this is how it ends. S.H.I.E.L.D's been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed," Steve continues.

Nick grew impatient with the rebel talk. "Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed."

"And how many paid the price before you did?" Steve questions, referring to his friend. Maya glares at her father, awaiting for an answer.

"Look, I didn't know about Barnes."

"Even if you have, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalised that too? Maya's right. S.H.I.E.L.D, HYDRA, it all goes."

Everyone remained silent, in agreement with the Captain. Maria looks towards Nick and says, "He's right." Nick turns to Natasha and Sam.

"Don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower."

Nick finally looks at Maya, who was leaning back smugly on her chair.

"Well, looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain." With that, the team disperses out, gearing up for their next mission, leaving Maya and Nick alone. The doctor from earlier had come in to tend to her wounds. Maya stares at Nick but refuses to speak to him.

"Are you not going to talk to me?" Nick asks.

"Should I? You're dead, no?"

"Maya, I did what I did to protect you."

"Protect me? I'm sorry, did you lose your other eye in that accident too? Do you not see the condition I'm in?" She gestures to her injuries.

"What happened to you, Maya?"

"You died! That's what happened! Or at least, that's what I thought!" she yelled.

"HYDRA was after us. They shot a fucking missile at us. I almost died, three times trying to avenge you and for what? For you to not trust me and tell me you're actually alive?"

Nick doesn't say anything back. He sits in his chair, slowly realising his daughter isn't the girl he used to know. Instead, sitting in front of him now, is a woman who has gone through the toughest dessert.

"I'm sorry, sir," Maya sneers, "but I'm done taking orders from you. I'll live, making my own decisions from now on." The doctor finishes patching her up and she wasted no time in leaving the room.

She marches out of the facility, to see Sam talking to Steve. She didn't hear what they were talking about but she caught on to Sam's last few words.

"Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you," he mentions to Steve. Maya approaches them and calls him.

"Sam! They're calling you in to gear up," she nods behind her, towards the base. Sam heeds her orders and does as he's told. With Sam out of sight, she looks back towards Steve.

"I don't know what's gonna happen," Maya starts, "but I know he's gonna be there. And I know you're not gonna kill him."

Steve turns to Maya, with fear in his eyes. "Maya, you can't kill him," he warns. Maya shakes her head and walks closer to him.

"He doesn't remember you because HYDRA's been erasing his memory."

"What?" Maya sighs, not sure if she should tell him but she owed him the truth.

"I placed a comms chip on Rumlow. I heard everything, including what they did to Bucky. I had no visual but," she stops.

"But what Maya? How did they erase his memory?" Steve asks impatiently.

"Electrocution. They fried his brains." Steve stumbles back a little. He looks as if he was about to break. Maya joins his side, looking towards the water.

"I know how much he means to you, Steve. And I owe you for saving my life."

She faces Steve once more before promising him a favour.

"A life for a life. You saved mine. I'll help you save your friend's."

"Fury's not gonna agree with you."

"This is my choice. Whether he agrees or not, I don't care. We save Bucky." Steve turns to her, appreciation written on his face.

"He tried to kill your father. And you."

"HYDRA's using him, Steve. They called him an asset. When he was trying to kill us, I don't think he knew what he was doing."

"So we save him," Steve concludes. "It's not gonna be easy. If they really wiped him out, he's not gonna remember us. The Winter Soldier is brutal."

Maya nods, but she was prepared. "No one said saving a life was gonna be easy."

"Thank you, Maya."

"Yeah, you can thank me when this is all done, man," she chuckles. "Time to suit up."

Steve agrees. "My uniform's in the museum. Where's yours?" She smiles before turning to walk away.

"I got a safehouse a few miles out. I'll meet you back here in an hour." She marches off, determination flowing inside of her.

Whether everyone noticed it or not, this was not the Maya they remembered. She was no longer the young girl who was begging to be let on missions. She was no longer the weakling who followed orders.

She was her own person now. Everything she went through the past days had made her stronger and more fearless.

She was ready to hunt. The day had come for Maya to fully acclaim her real name.

She was now, The Grim Reaper.


Author's Note

Comment if you think Maya should forgive Nick or just go ahead and live her life as a fucking badass who doesn't take orders?

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