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Maya fixes her gloves and makes sure her grip on her scythe wasn't slippery

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Maya fixes her gloves and makes sure her grip on her scythe wasn't slippery. As she listens in to Rumlow briefing Black Widow and Captain America, she opens up a file on her phone. Before she left with the team, she had rummaged through S.H.I.E.L.D's database for intel on Jasper Sitwell.

He was a Level Seven Clearance officer, he shouldn't even be in the Lemurian Star. As she reads through the intel she hears her friend, Natasha call out to her.

"Hey bookworm, wanna give us a hand?" she asks, nodding her head towards the team, they were expecting a mission plan. Maya stands up and tightens her parachute. She holds up her weapon and stands beside Steve, facing the team.

"The Captain and I are gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc," she orders. Steve continues, "Natasha, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages."

"Get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move," Maya barks one last time before turning the other way, towards the hangar. She hears Steve talking into his comms, "Secure channel seven and eight."

"Channel seven secure," Natasha states.

"Channel eight, ready," Maya replies thereafter. Natasha turns to Steve with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Did you do anything fun Saturday night?" Maya rolls her eyes. If it wasn't her to annoy the shit out of the Captain, it was Natasha. But instead of calling out his old age, she tries to match make him with a different girl every time they interacted.

"Well , all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so no. Not really."

Maya gasps dramatically, "Was that sarcasm?" She places one hand over her chest and wipes a fake tear with the other. "I've taught you well, Stevie." Steve shakes his head, disapprovingly.

"You two need to stop it." Maya and Natasha laughs, giving each other a high-five.

"You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes." The hangar opens and everyone else prepares to jump off, with Steve in the lead.

"That's why I don't ask."

"Too shy or too scared?" Natasha provokes. Maya chuckles. She clucks like a chicken to anger him even more, indirectly calling him a pussy. But Steve was unhindered and instead replies, "Too busy!"

He jumps out of the jet without a parachute, leaving Maya gaping her mouth, "It's like he's trying to kill himself, god damn." She leaps off into the black sky, downwards into the ocean. As soon as she emerges out of the clouds, she pulls on her parachute and the sail lets itself out, slowing her fall. She touches down as Rumlow shoots one of the pirates dead.

Removing her parachute, she quickly catches up to Steve, briskly walking and watching each other's backs as they scout the deck. Not far behind, Natasha joins them.

"What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice."

Maya turns to glare at her. "Seriously? Right now?"

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