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"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago."

As Phil briefed Nick Fury about the interference caused by the Tesseract, Maya guided herself out of the chopper. She signalled the pilots to remain on the pad before quickly joining her father by his side.

"What are the energy levels now?" Nick asked.

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac."

The quartet continued down to the basement of the Radiation Facility, with orders spouting out from the Director, telling Phil to ensure that all personnel in the area are evacuated faster.

"Sir, evacuation may be futile," Maria spoke, watching Phil leave to do his job.

"We should tell them to go back to sleep?"

Maya sighed at Nick's displaced sarcasm, "The Tesseract's spazzing and if we can't control it, who's to say how far this shit is gonna blow up?"

Nick takes in his daughter's words, though his eyes were still focused on Maria.

"I need you to make sure that PHASE 2 prototypes are shipped out."

"Is that really a priority right now, sir?"

"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Every piece of PHASE 2 on a truck and gone."

Maria acknowledged and marched off, two more agents tagging along with her. Entering the Vacuum Chamber, the father and daughter duo was approached by Dr. Selvig, who looked like he had one soda pop too many.

"Director, the Tesseract is misbehaving," he stated, "If we turn off her power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level-"

Erik looked to them with a solemn face, concluding his statement. Maya focused on the glowing blue cube that seemed to be pulsing on its own, squinting her eyes at its brightness. At the sound of a thud, she turned around to notice Clint finally making his appearance. She smiled at him as he did the same.

"No one's come or gone. Its oven is clean. No contacts, no I.Ms. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end," Clint briefed them.

"At this end?" Nick questioned, looking even more confused than he was previously.

"The cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides."

Maya and Nick looked at each other with wary. "Who the hell-?"

Maya was cut short when the interference from the cube spiked again. This time causing the facility to shake. Everyone cowered below to the ground. Bright beams came out from the cube, slowly evolving itself into a portal. Within the portal, Maya saw what appears to be outer space. Stars and planets littered the black canvas. The beams then rose to the ceiling of the chamber before bursting out into blue light blinding everyone momentarily.

Maya stood up, looking back at the cube again, only this time, someone was standing on the platform. She stealthily pulled her gun from her holster, aiming readily at him and awaited orders.

A beat passed and suddenly all hell breaks loose. The space man started throwing blasts using his scepter, eliminating almost everyone. Maya finished her round of bullets and attempted to engage him in hand to hand combat but Nick was quick to stop her.

"Get to the chopper, make sure it's ready to fly. I'll meet you out in a few," he said.

"Dad-" Maya wanted to argue but she was forced to turn towards the exit. She ran out, not before looking back to see her father trying to fit the cube into its case. Moments later, she heard a gunshot and froze in her place. Quickly coming back to her senses, she searched for a spot to hide in.

She waited until she noticed Clint, Selvig and the space man walk past. As soon as they were out of sight, she raced back towards the vacuum chamber.

She pulled out her communications device and spoke through it, "Hill! Do you copy? Barton has been compromised!"

She entered the chamber, noticing the beams from earlier bubbling up in the ceiling waiting to explode.

"Holy shit. Dad!" She saw her injured father trying to get himself up and rushed to his side, half dragging him to walk.

"Loki's got the Tesseract, tell all agents to track it down," he breathed.

The two of them race out of the hallway avoiding falling pipes. The entire facility is now in a full earthquake.

"I thought I told you to get to the chopper," Nick reprimanded.

"You're literally leaving a blood trail Dad!" Maya said back, "I heard a gunshot and I froze. I had to go back and make sure you're okay!"

"The next time you disobey my orders Agent, I'm not letting you out on the field again."

"Again? You never once let me out on the field."

"It's because you always fail to follow orders!"

"No, its because you think I'm too young and can't take care of myself," Maya groaned in exasperation.

The two bolted out of the facility and jumped onto the helicopter from earlier. As soon as they were on board, and starting to fly off, the facility imploded again. The surface of the helipad crumbles beneath them. Maya widened her eyes at the destruction occurring in front of her.

She gritted her teeth in anger. She turned and started setting up an in-plane machine gun. "Some smug son of a bitch thinks he can come here, dressed like a clown and destroy my home," she mumbled.

The chopper roars over the tunnels and subsequently Barton's truck. As soon as Maya laid her eyes on Loki, she rained hell upon him.

Loki looked up at her in a fit of rage, a young girl, no older than seventeen was trying to snuff him out. He points his scepter towards them and blasted. The force threw Maya back, where she hit her head against the roof of the chopper. The blast sparked a fire, mildly exploding the helicopter. Maya and Nick go down with the helicopter in a fiery ball, barrelling along the ground. The two of them jumped out before the vehicle was torn into shreds within the fire.

More pissed than she already was, Maya fires at Loki again but they were already too far and she was too late. She didn't however, miss the sinister smile he gave before disappearing out of her sight.

"Director? Director Fury, do you copy?" Phil's voice spoke out from the walkie.

"The Tesseract is with the hostile force. I have men down. Hill?"

"A lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors."

Maya squared her shoulders and stood her ground. She looked down at her bloodied hands, the result of wiping the back of her injured head. She clenched her fists, disappointed with herself.

"What do we do, sir?"

She looks towards her father, a sign of hope written on his face.

"Get back to base. This is a level seven. As of right now, we are at war."

She nodded her head. It was time to bring the band together.


Author's Note

Sitting here thinking why wasn't a story about Nick Fury having a daughter ever created? It's always the same old Tony Stark's rebel daughter or Bruce Banner's genius sister. I love my babies equally but it's time we have a WOC badass agent daughter.

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