Getting Along

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*Author's Note* Hey again guys, here's the third part, I'm planning to update once a week so here's the upload for this week. Really hoping I can get more fans so I can put up more stories :)

With this story I did write it when I was nine so it isn't the best but I go through and edit it anyway, but it's not perfect, but I'm happy with it so far anyway.

Hope you like this chapter, I'm still decideing weather I like it or not.


“Will someone get the phone please?” My mother yelled from down in the laundry, I was surprised she actually came out of the reading room at all, she was a writer, she usually wrote scifi and fantasy fiction for teenagers; she would usually write a story then give it to me to read before she gave it to the publisher and it was published. Of the thirteen books she has already published, she’s had five best sellers already and she was, hopefully, working on the sixth.

“I’ve got it.” I said from my room as I picked up the phone beside my bed and hit the button.

“Hello Fordson residence.” I said waiting for an answer. I looked around my room as I spoke; my slanted roof was lowest where it met the window, which had by black and white cushioned window seat sitting in front of it. My bed was a large Queen sized bed with dark blue covers that had stars and constellations decorated by silver buttons threaded and sewed onto it. My walls were a light purple colour that reminded me of, what I thought, the softest velvet and my roof was painted a creamy colour; looking at it for an hour made me crave cream puffs.

My study desk was across from my bed with the black lamp off, leaving my study papers in the dark on the black wood of the desk. My dark brown wardrobe that held all my clothes was specially made to curve with the wall in the corner of the room and still fit perfectly. My beside tables matched the colour and wood type as my wardrobe and the one to my left held two photo frames, one of my parents, the other of my friends in my group at school from the birthday party they threw me last year. On the other table was the white phone that plugged into the wall, and the door of the table hide my ten favourite books, three of which were written by my mother.

“Stay away from him got it! Don’t go near him again or you will regret it!” The person on the other line said in a threatening voice, they sounded like someone I knew but strange at the same time like they were trying to disguise their voice by blocking their nose.

“Hello who is this? Hello…Hello.” I asked. But just as I asked the question they caller hung up and there was only the beep of the line gone dead.

“Who was it honey?” My father asked from my doorway, I was surprised that he was home too, he was a travelling businessman and he only came home for a week every two months, if he could.

“Just someone pulling a prank I guess. It wasn’t anything to worry about though.” I said managing to sound reassuring. My dad’s caramel hair looked nothing like mine, neither did my mum’s strawberry red hair, they said that I got my hair from my grandmother who died before I was born, but even my eyes didn’t look like either of theirs, mine were hazel and both my parents had blue eyes.

“Ok then.” He said shrugging and walking out of sight, he was always easy-going and laid back, until he got into his business suite, then he really was all business.

“Hello Stephanie.” Canistra’s familiar voice said from somewhere to my left, I swung my head in that direction and saw her sitting beside my bed with a knowing smile playing on her lips.

“How did you get in my room?” I asked surprised to see her in my room.

“You leave the window open and any stranger could get in.” She said with a small laugh.

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