Breaking Down Barriers

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aaaannnnnddd I'm back! and look at this! I brought a new chapter with me! I really hope you guys enjoy and remember to vote and comment for future chapters! I will be trying to get updates done faster but I've been super busy but this story will begin to get super interesting and super cute!

Happy reading!!!!!!

Louis's POV:

After breakfast, Harry had taken me back into the baby blue room that supposedly held all of my stuff.

He changed me into a different outfit.

It's like he has a different change of clothes for each hour of the day.

I was put into a onesie that snapped in between the legs. I didn't mind though, I was kinda getting hot in the other one.

Of course he checked my nappy, which in return got him a slap and a certain choice of unpleasant words.

He then returned me to the living room, setting me down but not inside the play pen.

He brought out a few toys and placed them in front of me. He picked up one in particular, it was a plush giraffe that rattled, and shook it in front of my face with a stupid grin.

" what? ". I snapped, swatting at the toy.

" here ". He smiled, placing the soft toy in my hand.

I looked at the toy and back up at Harry with a confused look.

What the hell did he want me to do with it?

" ". I said unsurely, shaking the toy and placing it in his hand as he had done to me.

Harry just smiled and shook his head, placing the toy back into my hand.

" he's all yours to play with ". He explained, picking up another.

Each of the toys either crinkled or rattled and could easily catch anyone's attention.

I wasn't interested in any of them.

Harry continued to shake things in my face, my patience level growing thin with this man.

I growled and snatched the toy, chucking it across the room.

Harry pouted at my actions and retrieved the toy.

" we don't throw our toys Louis, we play nice ". He scolded, gently placing the toy in my lap.

" they're not my toys, they're your toys and I don't want the damn things! Especially when you shove them in my face! ". I yelled through clenched teeth, crossing my arms.

" do you wanna go back in time out for using bad words? ". Harry threatened.

" whatever it takes for you to leave me alone faster! ". I challenged, staring right back up at Harry.

" so, you're telling me that you would rather be in timeout than play with toys? ". Harry asked surprised.

" well in timeout, I don't have jerk wads shoving shit in my face! ". I yelled, my cheeks turning red with anger.

" fine! Time out it is for you little man! ".

Harry snatched me up and immediately placed me back in the timeout chair that he had in the kitchen along with that stupid bear.

I growled and thumped my head against the wall, this could not get any worse.

I just...I wanna go back home.

well, the streets.

This is all too much for me.

I've never had someone constantly around, checking up on me like harry has been doing. It was all so weird for me and he expects me to just be okay with it.

I've been alone all my life, struggling, and in swoops some guy who claims he cares and keeps trying to nurture me.

My own parents didn't even want me.

I sighed and shook my head, I didn't even realize I had been crying until a couple of tears dropped onto my leg.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

I was a big boy and big boys don't cry.

" Louis, hun? ". I turned around and seen harry standing a few feet behind me with a sympathetic look on his face.

I didn't say anything, I just turned back around and faced the wall.

I heard footsteps approaching me, harry squatting down beside me.

" what's going, love? I know you're thinking about something. It obviously isn't good because I see sad tears ". He sighed, wiping away a couple of tears off my cheeks.

I whined and pulled away, wiping at my cheeks harshly.

" louis, please talk to me ". Harry begged, pulling my seat out and turning it towards him. " tell me what's going on. I know something isn't right ".

I suddenly felt angry, fire burning inside me. I balled up my fist and took a deep breath.

" Nothing is right! none of it! what part of this is right?! I've been abandoned my whole life, all alone and no on cared! Now suddenly, you come out of who knows where and try to be caring and loving and want me to be okay with that?! ". I yelled every single word, staring straight into harry's eyes.

I took a deep breath and relaxed, some of the anger leaving my body.

" I hate being was my worst fear ". I whispered, I could feel the wall I built up over the years, crumble.

I started sobbing so hard that I was having a hard time breathing. I brought both hands up to my eyes as I continued to cry and yell.

But that's when I felt it.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, hugging me tight as he settled down onto the floor.

" that's the one thing about me louis. I will never leave you and always love you ". He mumbled, holding me even closer.

I continued to cry but not because I was sad, but because someone cared.

I snuggled into harry, holding onto his shirt tightly.

He may be a bit weird and into a weird things but it felt nice being somebody who was loved.

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