Beginners freak out

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Hello everyone! So I've decided to try out my first ageplay book. I've read around and really liked the others I have read and decided why not? And went ahead and did it! I'm pretty surprised at how it came out and I hope you guys enjoy it! I'd like to continue updating but won't if there's no interest in this book! So remember to vote or comment! Happy reading!

Louis's POV:

" LET ME OUT YOU FREAK ". I yelled at the top of my lungs as the man in front of me shook his head in disapproval.

" we use our inside voices, darling ". He smiled, his sickly sweet baby voice making me mentally gag.

I growled and tried pushing myself out of this weird baby contraption. It was one of those chairs that roll around with toys attached to them but the only thing different's adult sized!!!

I tried with all my might but I'm tired from screaming and struggling. He had me belted into this thing so there was no way out. He squatted down in front of me with a smirk as he looked me straight in the eyes.

" I think you should enjoy some playtime while daddy makes you a bottle ". He grinned, poking one of the toys attached to the chair making it rattle.

With that he stood up and made his way into the kitchen.

" YOU ARE SUCH A SICK FUCK, YOU KNOW THAT?! ". I yelled after him, but a retaliation never came.

I grumbled and rocked side to side in the chair, trying to shimmy my way out.

I about died when I looked down at the onesie he forcibly put me in along with a damn diaper.

Out of all the clothes in the world, I get put into a light blue onesie with crowns and stars all over it. Don't even get me started on the words " little prince " written in fancy words across my chest.

You know? I was doing just fine on my bloody own. I actually enjoyed being homeless, yeah that's right I said it. I was homeless and I still am! I'm hated by the world just as much as I hate it and that's the way it should be.

I've got a sassy mouth that gets me in trouble and I'm fine with that. You know why? Because I stopped handing out my " give a fucks " and started being me. And guess what I am? I'm an asshole that nobody likes and I'm fine with that.

My parents hate me, I hate me, and the rest of the world hates me. Why should there be any difference?

Well let me just tell you about the fuck face that picked me up off my comfy concrete and basically kidnapped me!

I was just sleeping, trying to ignore the cruel people who went by as they either spat or kicked me. Not that I minded because I sorta deserve it.

All of a sudden this long curly haired guys with green eyes approached me with food.

I was suspicious but I didn't mind since it was food and if he happen to of poisoned it, I'd just die faster saving myself and the rest of the world faster. So I went to grab it but he said I could only have it if I got in his car.

If this isn't a pedophiles pick up line I don't know what is.

So I told him to fuck off and he simply just picked me, put me in his car and drove away.

And I didn't even get the damn food!

I thought for sure I was going to be raped, I haven't yet but I'm still looking forward to it. Note the sarcasm.

He brought me here and forced me into baby clothes and strapped me down in this chair.

I think he's got some type of baby kink or something and he's just getting himself ready by making me look like a fool.

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