Sassy troublemaker

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Another chapter! Thank you for all the lovely comments and thanks to the people who voted! I decided to make another chapter! Keep voting and commenting for more! I hope you guys enjoy! Happy reading!

Louis's POV:

I shook my head in fear as I tried my best to get out of this mans grasp.

" No no no no no....". I muttered underneath my breath as I clawed at Harry's shirt trying to escape.

Harry laid me on an adult sized changing table as if it was a perfectly normal thing to have in your house.

I immediately tried to sit up but he pushed my chest down and strapped my arms to the table.

I started hyperventilating as I looked around the baby blue colored room. There was a shelf full of stuffies along with a closet full of baby clothes, there was a small toy chest and a little rocket ship night light along with a mobile that was already spinning and playing baby songs.

But get this....there was a huge ass crib against the wall all decorated and ready to go.

" hey, relax ". Harry cooed, rubbing my sunken in belly.

I flinched and tried pulling away but the arm restraints held me back and caused my arms to become sore quickly.

" What the hell! who are you and why are you doing this? ". I asked shakily, trying to kick harry as he started to diaper my bottom.

" I'm your daddy, silly! And you're my baby". He exclaimed, tickling underneath my arms trying to get me to laugh.

I didn't even crack a smile.

I gave him a stone cold look and if looks could kill, he'd be dead.

" right ". He sighed awkwardly, coughing into his fist as he finished up taping the nappy to my hips.

He put the same onesie I had before on and unstrapped my wrist from the table.

I sat up slowly and rubbed them, eyeing the whole room once more.

" why do you have this place? ". I suddenly asked, my question filled mind overpowering me with curiosity.

" well,'s for you ". He smiled, nervously playing with the rings on his fingers.

" and why do I need a baby room? ". I asked, gesturing to all the baby stuff around me.

" because you're the baby ". He whispered but his confidence grew at the last two words.

I eyed his weirdly for a moment before searching around for something. Something that has been lost for a long time and needs to be found.

" what are you looking for, love? ". Harry asked, walking around the table and standing in front of me.

" well, I just can't seem to...". I paused as I looked underneath my bum and around the table.

" I just can't seem to find your SANITY! ". I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest and sticking my tongue out at him.

Harry sighed and shook his head with a disappointed look as he picked me up and placed me on his hip again.

" yeah, I'm disappointed to. Hopefully we find it soon...". I sighed, smirking as he mumbled something in annoyance.

" so let me get this straight...". I started, watching as Harry walked out of the room and down the hall again.

Harry glanced at me as he continued to move around the house with me in his arms.

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