Do you wan't to play deductions?

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Hey guys thought I should do a Do You Want To Build A Snowman parody so here you go!

7 years old

You skipped over to the Holmes' place and knocked on the door. Mrs.Holmes answered the door. "Hello dear," she said cheerily "would you like to see Sherlock?" " Yes please!" You said. You deduced her out of habit "How is your father doing?" You asked. "Oh just fine dear. He's doing much better." She said. You were a lot like Sherlock with being able to deduce but you showed more emotion. "Sherlock should be in his room down the hall." Mrs.Holmes said. "Thank you ma'am!" You said as you headed inside. You quickly walked down the hall and knocked.

"Sherlock?"you said.
"Do you want to play deductions?
Come on please let's play
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why.
Do you want to play deductions?
It doesn't have to be deductions."

"Go away Y/N" he said.
Same response as always.
"Okay bye." You said sadly.

You sulked away from Sherlock's room and walked down the hall. "Not talking today is he." Mrs.Holmes said. "No not today." you said "Perhaps tomorrow." "Perhaps" she said.

12 years old

You walked down the hall to Sherlock's bedroom and knocked.
"Do you want to play deductions?
Perhaps play Cluedo down the hall?
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to my mantle place skull
(Hang in there Billy)
It gets really boring
Having nothing to do
But watch the hours tick by
Tick tock tic tock tic tock"

You waited hearing no response. You walked down the hall in defeat.

20 years old

You were so alone. Your parents had been murdered at the age of 15. You were so broken and it had been over 10 years since you've seen him. You didn't even call him Sherlock anymore, in your mind it was just him.

You had found out that he had gotten a flat and moved out. You had gotten the address from his mother and decided to pay him one last visit.

You slowly made your way up the stairs and knocked on the door to his flat.

"Sherlock?" you said. It was hard to get out his name.
"Please I know you're in there
I've missed you everyday
I'm trying to have courage, but I'm so alone
I just want to see you once more
Your the only one I have left
Everyone else is gone
I don't know what to do.
Do you want to play deductions?"

You could barely say the last words before you broke down crying. You just couldn't do it anymore.

You heard the door slowly creak open and you quickly turned your head around.

There stood Sherlock Holmes.

You just broke down.

"Oh my god Y/N I am so sorry." Sherlock said."I shouldn't have left you alone all those a years. I loved you and I didn't know what to do so I shut myself away from you. Please Y/N I'm so sorry."

"You love me?" You squeaked out. "Yes Y/N I have always loved you and I am so so sorry." He said. "Sherlock" you said "I love you too."

And he kissed you.

And together you lived happily ever after.


Hope you liked it!

Sherlock x Reader one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin