A Strange Meeting

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      You had just moved to London to pursue you dream job as an ( name your dream job )!! You were going to start your first simester at the University of London and couldn't wait to start! You had rented a cheap flat that you had found on Baker Street 221c. Your land lady Mrs.Hudson was a kind old woman who was always happy to help you with whatever you needed. When you had first arrived she told you to not bother the renters in the upstairs flat. They just didn't like to be bothered. So after a while you began to continue on with your life going to collage and continuing to persue your dreams until one morning. You were locking up your flat on your way to uni when 2 man bumped into you and you topled over spiling your uni suplies everywhere. "I am so sorry" you quickly appologised. As the men and yourself were getting up one of them recognised you. "Y/N?" one of the men said. He had dirty blond hair and green-ish brown-ish eyes. You then recognised him as your cousin John. "John!" you squeeled as you pulled him into a hug. "Come on John" said the other man who had crashed into you. He had a very mysterious look to him with his dark brown locks and blue-green eyes. He was so fasinating. "Sorry Y/N got to run. I'll see you around!" and the two men ran out the door. " Uhm bye?" you said confused. "Whatever" you thought. The day couldn't be any weirder.

So thats it! Hope you thought it was okay! Will update soon!

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