I Can Hear Wedding Bells Ringing

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When I first started writing this book I didn't expect it to get anywhere! I seriously thought my writing was awful and that no one would like it but I cannot believe that ALL OF YOU ACTUALLY LIKE MY WRITING! I have gotten so many compliments from people it is insane! I seriously love you guys so much just OMFG THANK YOU! I take the time to read all of your comments and they all truly bring a smile to my face.

#7 guys


I know I've been gone for a long time and I honestly have no excuse for being gone except that I'm a lazy asshole.

So this week I feel motivated and so I have an announcement


Okay now that I have your attention in repaying you all for being suck a lazy asshole I present to you:
I O U a week of Sherlock
Everyday this week I will try my hardest to release a new one shot!
I tried coming up with a pun for this like "Shermas? No, One week one shots? No."

I'm bad at puns so here you go.

I O U a one shot #1

And hey,


The day started off as any average day with Sherlock Holmes;

• Something burning in the kitchen

• John yelling at Sherlock about something ( most likely whatever it was that was being burned )

• And a nice new murder

You trudged out of the bedroom that you had been sharing with your boyfriend Sherlock for over 2 years now and made your way into the kitchen. There you saw the utter catastrophe that was this morning's breakfast.

Sherlock (being Sherlock) had attempted to make toast (and failed miserably) and had burnt it to a crisp. John was currently yelling at him about this because (Sherlock, being Sherlock) the burnt toast had set off the smoke detector.

If everyone else lived with you they would all understand why you're not a morning person.

Sherlock then noticed your presence and turned to face you, completely ignoring John. "Hello Y/N, we were just about to head out for breakfast. Care to join us?" "Mhmm, what? Oh yeah sure" you said turning back to your room to get dressed.

(Time skip brought to you by Subway ®. Subway, devour your own empty heart ®.)

You soon had arrived at the café you had come to for breakfast. John looked slightly flustered still because of the toast incident but recovered shortly after.

The waitress came by, she was around John's age and instantly started flirting with him. Sherlock just rolled his eyes and ordered for the 3 of you.

John calmed down shortly after and the 3 of you quietly ate your breakfast. You noticed as you ate that John kept stealing glances at the waitress. You just knew he would go to the shop later and buy condoms.

You continued to silently eat your breakfast when you were interrupted by the ringing of Sherlock's phone.

"Boop boop, boop boop, boop boop. You probably should have put your phone on silent because everyone is listening to this now. Please pick up your phone a human is interacting with you" The voices of Dan and Phil came from the phone. "Y/N did you reset my ringtone?" Sherlock said sternly as John choked on food from laughing so much. "Yup" you said smirking and popping the p as Dan and Phil continued to talk in the background.

Sherlock sighed, annoyed and ruffled your hair. "You and your YouTubers" he said, then picking up the phone. "Hello Lestrade" he said. There was a short pause before he said "Of course, on our way." He stood up abruptly "There's been a murder," he said.

John choked on his food again.

Nice going Watson

The 3 of you quickly payed your your bill and hopped in the first available cab.

As soon as you got in your phone started ringing.

"Bill Nye the Science Guy! Bill Nye the Science Guy! Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill! Bill Nye the Science Guy."

"Sherlock" you said glaring at him "Did you change my ringtone." "Of course not Y/N" he said smirking "that would be such a childish thing to do."
"Idiot" you mumbled and answered your cell.


The 3 of you filed out of the cab an onto the scene. It was taking place at an old abandoned apartment. The victim was a 22 year old male named Jackson Planinc. John instantly started inspecting the body as you examined the room.

Near his right hand was the word "RACHE" carved into the wood flooring. On the window were spray painted to symbols, one that was just a line and one that looked like a line and an eight. Across from the window lay a mirror with the words "Get Sherlock" written in white. Hanging from the ceiling was a single apple with the letters "I O U" carved into it.

"S-Sh-Sherlock" I said shaking slightly. "Shhh baby it's okay" he said holding you.

The last time Moriarty showed up he had held you hostage in an abandoned building with a bomb strapped to your chest.

You stood silently in with Sherlock's arms wrapped around you for a minute. "I promise you Y/N I will always continue to protect you." He whispered lovingly into your ear. This made you smile and blush.

Then Sherlock did something very unexpected.

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet red box and got down on one knee.

"Y/N M/N L/N" he said "I have loved you for so long and every time I'm around you, you make me incredibly happy. Would you do the honors of making the the happiest person in the world by becoming my wife"

He slowly opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Oh my god yes" you said smiling as he slipped the ring on your finger.

You hugged him and then leaned in toward his ear. "You planned this whole thing didn't you" you whispered. "Of course" he said "That man's not actually dead then" "Correct" he said smirking.

He then turned his head away from you. "You can go now Billy" he said. The man in the middle of the floor then got up and left.

"Bitch" you said
"Jerk" he said smirking.

~(ö)~ .('-'.) (.'-'.) (.'-'). ~(ö)~ .('-'.) (.'-'.)

It's the sexy end page text
If you liked this one shot make sure to vote and leave a comment.

And don't forget there is another one shot coming tomorrow.

Until then my sporks

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