Sherlock x Reader: Daddy/Daughter

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( Y/n is your name, L/n is your last name, Y/d/n is your dad's name, Y/m/n is your mom's name)

Sherlock's POV
I lay on the couch in 221b. I was aching for a case, even more so than I was aching for a smoke. It had been exactly 2 weeks, to the hour in fact since John and I's last case.

"BORED!" I said.

John was currently in the kitchen, probably making tea or what ever he does. My phone chimed in the pocket of the robe that I was wearing. I quickly pulled it out and held it up to my face.

1 New Text Message from G. Lestrade

Ah yes of course, it was Gorge.
Or was it Gordon?
No matter.
I opened the phone.

Come now, 25 Rossenburg Ln. You wanted a case, I've got one. - Lestrade

I quickly shoved the phone into the pocket of the purple shirt I was wear underneath my robe. "John!" I called and shrugging off my robe, I then grabbed my usual trench coat. "Yes?" He said, holding his just made cup of tea. "We're going out! The game is on!"

I threw on my trench coat and was already heading down the stairs. I was still able to hear John setting down his tea and grabbing his jacket, mumbling.

Y/n's POV

You sat there, cross legged on the floor, in between the bodies of your parents, who lay lifeless, eyes glazed, bullets in their heads. Your current t-shirt and jeans were covered in blood.

You were not sad, you were not afraid. No more than 5 minutes since you had dialed the police. You could already hear the sirens outside.

You were smart, you were talented. Extremely. But your parents hated you. And they used you. You didn't kill them, they had decided to take their own lives as punishment to you.

No one liked you.

So they decided to leave you alone.

So that even though you resented them, you would have no one left.

Lestrade's POV

As soon as I pulled into the driveway I quickly hit the breaks and shut the engine off. I dashed out of the car with Donovan at my heels.

The person on the phone had sounded like a young girl. All she had told us that her parents were dead. We had asked for more details but she had only responded with "You're the police, you'll find out anyway when you get here. The address is 25 Rossenburg Ln. I expect to see you soon."

2 cops had already broken down the door. Donovan and I ran in along with 4 other cops. "SEARCH THE HOUSE!" I called. Donovan ran upstairs as I turned down the hallway. It wasn't long before I heard Donovan call "BOSS UP HERE QUICK!"

I dashed upstairs and into the room where I saw Donovan standing in the doorway. I stepped in and turned to find the young girl from the phone sitting between the 2 dead bodies of her parents. "Don't come any closer," she said as she looked up at me "wouldn't want to ruin any of the evidence now would we?"

It was then that I texted Sherlock.

Sherlock's POV

I quickly god out of the cab once we had gotten to the address Lestrade had texted. I could here John fussing and paying the cabbie as I rushed into the large house.

I turned to the cop stationed at the entrance. "Where's Gerard?" I said. "I'm sorry I don't know who you're talking about?" He questioned me. Uhg morons. "Lestrade, where is he?" "Upstairs and to the left, master bedroom." He replied.

I ran up the stairs two at a time to meet Lestrade who was outside the room. "Gail." I said. "It's Greg," he said "I don't know why you never bother to remember." "Doesn't matter," I said "now what are we dealing with?" "Well," he responded " She says it's a double suicide even though it looks more like murder if you ask me." "She?" I said "Did you call in another private detective Lestrade?" "No," he said "its the girl who's parents are dead. She's only 12, says her name is Y/n  L/n. The parents are Y/d/n  L/n and  Y/m/n   L/n. She confirmed it." "Show me." I said.

Lestrade then lead me into the room. There on the floor sat the young girl between her two parents. Each parent had a bullet from a simple handgun in the middle of their foreheads. They had fallen over leaving blood on both their daughter and the floor. "I don't see why you had to call me Lestrade, it was clearly a suicide not a murder. Even the police should have been able to tell that." I said. "Well that's not entirely why I called you here." He said.

"Y/n you can get up now." Lestrade said. The young girl then stood up. "Would you please tell Mr. Holmes exactly what you told me earlier." "Of course" she said. This was exactly when John happen to walk into the room. "Jesus Christ" he said "What h-" but he was interrupted by the girl "No need to ask John Watson, I presume. At exactly 2:15 pm I was dragged in here by the 2 people you see dead on the floor. I did not scream, I was quiet. It was often routine procedure for them to handcuff me to the bottom of this bed whenever they thought I acted out. Anytime they thought I was being disrespectful when in actuality I was merely deducing. That afternoon I had deduced that they were both having affairs with other people. This was at 12:03. They proceeded to scream at one another until 2:10 when they realized that it was clearly all my fault. All there misfortune was quote un quote because of me. I was dragged in like I said and told to sit on the floor. I obeyed. Rather then pulling out simple handguns like Mr. Holmes probably assumed they proceeded to pull out police issued hand guns as they had both been ex cops. They told me they were leaving me alone forever. Truth be told I never cared for them so that was fine with me. My mother took out a knife and proceeded to make several small cuts on my body. Small enough to make it seem like it would have been there blood splatter on me rather that of my own. They stood and turned to one another shooting one another in the head at the same time. So in a sense it was both suicide and murder. I then calmly pulled out my phone and proceeded to call the police. I hope that answers your question Doctor."

The room was quiet for several seconds. "You said that you deduced that they were having affairs with others?" John said suddenly. "Yes," Y/n said "It was plain obvious if you ask me. Other women's underwear, extra condoms, late nights out but coming home home buzzed."

"So," Lestrade said, turning to me "Are you and John looking for someone to adopt?"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that little one shot! It's so good to be back! I still have a lot of shit going on in my life but this idea came to me so I decided to roll with it!

I love you all!


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