Chapter 11 - Crush.

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Why does he have to wait at cheerleading practice?

Yep Ambers in the cheerleading squad.

Well, I mean some good comes out of it.

He can watch the basketball team, which includes his crush in it.

His names Alec and god he's beautiful. Well, that's what Chris thinks.

Black hair, green eyes guy. Who wouldn't fall for him?

He watches his girlfriend do the pyramid. She was near the top, she insisted that she didn't want to be at the bottom.

Then he goes and watches the basketball team and is confused when Alec isn’t there. Where is he? I mean he is the captain of the basketball team.


Chris gasps and turns his head to see Alec. "You frightened me" he breathes out.

Alec smirks "sorry"

Chris fiddles with the corner of the book. "So what are you doing here?" Alec asks.

"Girlfriends in cheerleading squad" Chris replies.

"Oh who?" Alec asks with his eyebrows raised.

"Amber" Chris replies shortly.

"Look..." Alec trails off "no offence but she seems posh"

"Posh?" Chris questions

"Well I mean in the canteen she asked for caviar"

"Caviar" Chris laughs "you’re joking right?"

"Nope" Alec says making Chris giggle.

"Your giggles cute" Alec says.

A form of redness appears on Chris's cheeks. Did his crush really say that to him?

"Uh thanks" Chris says smiling a little.

Alec winks at him as a reply which makes Chris giggle again.

"Hey" a cold voice behind them says.

Shit, he forgot about his girlfriend. Alec is very distracting. "Oh hey Amber"

She walks over quickly and sits on his lap. "Did you see the pyramid?"

"Uh yeah it was really good" Chris says.

"Bit off point though wasn't it" Alec smirks at Amber

She gives him an evil glare "how do you know about cheerleading idiot"

"Uh well I used to be a cheerleader" Alec says winking at Chris. Chris tries to hold off a giggle behind Ambers back.

"Oh really" she gasps, mesmerise at him.


An icy stare was given towards him which caused Alec to laugh "why would I want to be a cheerleader"

"Ugh you are so annoying" she groans before turning to Chris, who was trying to choke back a giggle "why weren't you defending me"

Chris was stunned, what was he supposed to say? "Um..."

"You know what, forget it!" She snaps before walking off, back to the cheerleaders.

Chris groans and Alec laughs "I'm going to go"

"Uh yeah the team needs you" Chris smiles at him.

"And you need someone that can treat you better"

Chris eyes widen "w-what?"

"Uh nothing I mean see ya" Alec says walking away from Chris.

"Alec!" Chris calls out to him. But Alec ignores him.

He looks back at his girlfriend. What does he mean? Is she doing something behind his back?

But one thing is certain.

He likes Alec, a lot!

So what do you think about Chris and Alec??

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Hannah xx

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