Chapter 6 -First Injury

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Chris was six when he broke his arm.

He wasn't doing anything dangerous he was just jumping on his bed. But he jump too high and landed on the floor, his arm in an awkward position.

Ianto was in the living room when he heard Chris frantic cries.

Ianto rushed into his bedroom "Chris what happened"

Tears were streaming down the boy’s face "papa my arm"

Ianto gasp at the sight of it. "Oh baby"

"It hurts" Chris whimpers.

"Okay let's get you to the hospital" Ianto says quickly picking him up and rushing out of the house.

It was twenty minutes later Jack came rushing into the hospital room. "Is he okay!!"

Chris arm was in a sling at the moment, he had to get a plaster on his arm.

"He's fine" Ianto answers him. "He needs a plaster though"

"Yeah and the doctor said that I could have a blue one a green a pink one and a..." Chris rambles on about which colours he could get.

He got blue in the end, after deciding if he wanted bright green or blue.

While Ianto went to get pizza for the brave boy. Jack was holding his hand bringing him back to the house. "Right you can play in your room okay. No doing dangerous stuff" Chris opens his mouth "and yes Chris dancing to 5SOS with toys lying around on the floor is dangerous"

He pouts but nods his head before walking to his room.

Jack sighs grabbing a book sitting down on the couch. He heard something, it seemed like someone was jumping on.... the bed.


"Sorry dad"

Amazing memories (sequel to Immortal) Janto ✔️Where stories live. Discover now