Chapter 57

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Once her fascination with those small glimmering lights that surrounded her wore off, Ajana realized that she should probably check if they could help.

After all, her knowledge about those particular beings or any other magical beings was quite limited so she needed to check.

"Can you stop all the fighting?" Ajana asked, hopefully.

"Maybe not stop completely. But we will do our best." the will-o-the-wisp wrote in the air.

"Thank you...I am sorry I don't know your name?" Ajana asked.

"My name is Kiran, and I am happy to return the favor." Kiran wrote.

"How will you do it, though? I don't want you to expose yourself to any danger for me." Ajana said.

"We will make the dark ones sleepy, and don't worry they won't be able to catch us. We are to fast." Kiran wrote.

Ajana was slightly relieved by what Kiran said, but she was still worried about them.

Perhaps will-o-the-wisp were prone to underestimating things, there was no way to know.

Still, people were dying, something had to be done.

"Okay, you do that, but please be careful," Ajana said.

"Always." Kiran wrote.

In Ajana's mind, she started making connections between her friend Kieran, how brave he was, with the being of a similar name that she begged for help. She hoped with all her heart that the will-o-the-wisps could end the fighting without any harm coming to them.

Unable to stand the anticipation, Ajana came closer to the battlefield to see the magnificent beings do their magic.

She couldn't help it. She needed to know if it was working or not.

Besides, she wanted to be close by if anyone needed any healing. After all, that was her specialty.

As the lights barged into the battlefield, she could see many Dark Elves falling into a deep slumber.

Even in all the horror that surrounded them, with so many killed or injured beings, Ajana couldn't help but notice how funny the battlefield was becoming the moment the lights entered it.

Some Dark Elves just fell asleep on their feet, others yawned loudly before succumbing to slumber. Some even slowly lowered themselves to the ground and curled up in sleep.

Seeing that made Ajana feel liberated. Perhaps war wasn't inevitable, and she could, in a way, be the hero of the battle.

Although she didn't technically do anything, she might have stopped the fighting that had been going on for centuries.

She quickly shook off those kinds of thoughts.

It didn't matter who did what or taking the credit, all it mattered was to stop the fighting, to save lives.

If her solution worked, she would never have to see another person die in the terrible war which has destroyed souls and lives.

It was her dream not to allow the bloody war to take anything else from them, and it seemed like her dream was coming true.

Still, worry was the predominant emotion in her young heart.

There was a feeling, deep down in her very core, that something would go wrong. It permeated her heart, and try as she might, she couldn't get rid of it.

The worst thing about it was that she wasn't sure if it was a magical prediction or fearful assumption.

Noticing her teacher Wickedmartine Grangtthews standing at the age of the battlefield, muttering to herself what Ajana presumed to be a spell, she decided to wait until the teacher was finished, and then join her.

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