Chapter 11

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Ajana was transfixed by the story she had heard. Well, maybe it was a story, and perhaps it was history, no one knew for sure, and she loved that.

History lessons in her school were so dull, a bunch of dates you had to remember and events she couldn't understand. The story Wallace told her, the history he tried to teach her, was fascinating.

There were no dates or a lot of place names. There were just captivating events that she felt she would remember without any effort.

Also, Wallace's storytelling ability was off the charts. He had just the perfect tone of voice to match the events. Moreover, his facial expressions and gesticulation were also astonishing.

Ajana felt like she was there, there for the creation of the universe, she saw it develop, she was there together with the Great Father Owl.

The feeling was similar to the one of reading a good book. Ajana would get so immersed in the story that she would feel like she was there, in a completely new world, and she would forget about the reality and all its problems.

It was strange to get the same feeling listening to Wallace, but she loved it. There were some storytellers in her city, but they were not even close to being as good as Wallace.

"Okay, I think it's time to go to sleep." Wallace suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

"I have already had a long nap. Can't we stay up a bit longer? Can you tell me another story about your world?" Ajana asked with pleading eyes.

Rex jumped up from her lap and started nodding his pages in the air. "'Tory, 'tory!" Rex said.

It seemed as if he had been enjoying the story as much as Ajana, though Ajana wasn't quite sure if he understood the whole story. It was probably Wallace's storytelling voice that made him so eager to hear more.

"I guess you are right, but only one more story. We will have an early start tomorrow, and there are a lot of new and magical things waiting for you. You need to be well-rested for the adventures that await you." Wallace said in a stern voice.

"Yes, yes, okay. I promise," Ajana said.

As she said that, Rex nudged her hand as if saying, "What about me?"

"We promise." Ajana corrected herself.

Wallace was content with their answer and deliberated which story would be a good one to help Ajana better understand the culture of Mag. He decided to tell them the story about their Unicorn Savior.

"Once upon a time when my great-great-great-grandfather was still young, there was a time when trouble came knocking, and we needed help.

"It all started rather innocently. Some owls went to the human world to help the magical beings that found themselves in that cruel and unforgiving world. Everything was going well at first.

"They found the magical humans and convinced them to accompany them to a much safer world, the world of Mag. But things didn't go according to plan.

"Before they had a chance to reach the portals, the owls started feeling unwell. They weren't sure what was happening, but they knew something was wrong.

"In Mag, they were never sick, so it was a strange experience for them. It wasn't clear what it all meant. One thing they knew for sure was that they had to go on and take the humans to the safety of their world.

"Feeling under the weather, they still managed to do their duty. The owls brought the witches, warlocks, other humans who possessed some magic, and non-humans who ended up in the human world by accident, to the flowery fields of Mag.

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