Chapter 55

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Having an aversion to war, Ajana wasn't following the strategy discussion. Besides, she was sure that her role in the upcoming upheaval won't be a major one, thus she felt no responsibility to participate in or even listen to the discussion.

She spent the whole meeting thinking of the best way to protect her loved ones. Trying to find a way out of a war that won't have a winner, no matter what happens.

It was common knowledge that in wars there were never winners, just the ones who lose more and the ones who lose less. Death and pain were the only things that the war would bring them even if the good prevailed.

Lost in her thoughts, Ajana didn't even notice when the meeting was over. Only when people started scattering did she realize that it was over.

"Little witch?" Ruby Fireborn said.

"Ajana," Ajana said automatically.

"Ajana, how well can you control your magic?" She asked.

"I am okay, I guess," Ajana yelled.

Before she could add anything more, she felt warmth singeing her skin.

Shocked, she looked at Ruby, the one whom she admired the most, only to realize that she had hit her with her magic.

"Ouch. What was that for?" Ajana asked.

"Checking how well you can control your magic. It turns out you can't. If I had used my strongest magic, you would have been dead." Ruby said.

Her words stang at Ajana's heart, but she did her best not to show how much it hurt her to hear something like that from her idol.

"You can't even protect yourself. I bet you can't protect your friends either." She said.

Seeing that she was looking at unsuspecting Bluebells, something in Ajana buzzed with energy, and soon enough Ruby's magic bounced off the shield that surrounded Bluebells.

"Nice. That was quick and strong. You must have healer magic in you.

That's the only thing that can explain why you are so terrible at protecting yourself but great at protecting others." Ruby said.

"Was that necessary?" Ajana asked angrily.

"Yes. I need to know what I am working with." Ruby said.

Since Ajana's angry expression didn't change, Ruby's features softened.

"Listen, I am sorry. I am usually a lot more tactful about these things, but now we don't have the time for the nice approach." Ruby said.

"I understand," Ajana said.

It wasn't in her nature to stay angry, so once things were explained to her, Ajana felt more at ease.

"Be sure to remember that your power lies in protecting others. However, your weakness is in your inability to put yourself first.

Please be careful to stay away from the battlefield, and help heal the wounded.

Battlefield is no place for a healer." Ruby said.

"I will. Thank you." Ajana said, gratefully.

It became clear that Ruby was just trying to protect her. After all, tough love was necessary in the situation that they were in.

"If you need any help with anything, break this vial and I will come as soon as I can," Ruby said.

Ajana took the vial filled with slimy green liquid and tucked it in her pocket.

"Thank you," Ajana said.

Ruby smiled at her gently and went on to join the sea of people leaving the War Council.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Bluebells asked.

"Nothing special. Just exchanging spells." Ajana said jokingly.

"No. What did she want? What did she want!? Are you a teacher's pet now?!" Bluebells asked.

"No, nothing like that. She just wanted to give me some useful advice.

Also, she recommended staying away from the battlefield since I am the healer. She thought I might be more useful away from the battle, healing the wounded." Ajana said.

Bluebells kept nodding his head vigorously as if agreeing with everything Ruby had said.

"Talking about staying away from the battle. I think that you should stay here and take care of Rex." Ajana said.

Bluebells immediately stopped nodding, and his huge eyes filled with tears.

Ajana felt as if she had just stepped on a dog's tail by accident. It hurt her to see him look at her so brokenheartedly.

All she wanted to do was protect him, but she seemed to have hurt him more than she could have imagined.

"I don't want to be left behind, babysitting. I want to stay by your side.

Aren't we friends?" Bluebells asked.

"Of course we are, but Bluebells, it's dangerous. People might die.

I don't want anything to happen to you." Ajana said.

"What about you? It's not safe for you, either. You don't have nearly enough control of your magic." Bluebells said.

"I'll be safe in the back with the wounded," Ajana said.

She wasn't sure how true that was, but she tried to sound as confident as possible, although she felt none of the confidence.

"Great! Then we will stay there together!" Bluebells said.

"No, we can't. Someone needs to stay with Rex to keep him out of trouble." Ajana said.

Bluebells didn't have the chance to answer, because something zoomed past his head rustling furiously.

"Rex! Ajana! Together!" Rex said.

Ajana was barely able to understand him because his pages were stirring angrily.

She started gently stroking his covers, trying to calm him down.

"Shh, Rex, good boy. Calm down." She said gently.

As his furious movements subsided, Ajana hugged the little guy trying to provide him with much-needed comfort and to show him how much she loved him.

"I just love you so much, both of you, and I worry about you," Ajana said.

"Rex. Ajana. Bluebells. Together." Rex said.

Seeing that there was no way to convince them to stay, Ajana promised herself that she would do everything in her power and beyond to keep them safe.

"Very well. We will all go together." Ajana said.

Both Bluebells and Rex jumped on Ajana like a pair of excited dogs, and all three of them ended up on the ground in one huge mess of legs, hooves, and pages.

It was the strangest mess that anyone had ever seen, and the sweetest one, as well.

However, soon enough, the real world came knocking in the shape of strict-looking Wallace.

"Come on children, this is no time to play around, it's time to fight." He said.

"I told them it would be a bad idea to bring the children as well, but they decided not to listen to me. After all, I am just the wisest being in all the worlds. Why would they listen to me?" Wallace mumbled under his breath.

Having no real concept of what war looked like or how it would change them, the three of them could barely contain their laughter at Wallace's old-man grumblings.

Sometimes even the great healers like Ajana were too young to understand the gravity of a situation and on one hand, Wallace was glad that she would get a few more moments to enjoy the innocence of childhood.

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