Chapter 14

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Wallace tried to put Ajana's mind at ease as he led her towards the host family's house.

"They are very nice and kind. You have nothing to worry about, the family will take good care of you. I checked them out myself." Wallace said.

"Are you sure I can't just stay with you?" Ajana asked.

"It's impossible, not only is it forbidden, but it would also be very uncomfortable for you. Owl houses are cozy for owls, but they are no place for humans or witches.

"But don't worry, we will see each other often enough. I am your guardian, after all. I will teach you the extra things that you won't be able to learn at school. Also, I will go with you if you decide to leave Mag for any reason whatsoever," he said, trying to soothe her nerves as much as he could.

That made her feel a bit better, but she was still anxious about meeting her host family. She often had problems when meeting new people since she didn't know how to behave.

Should she be formal or informal? How should she address them? Those and many other questions went through her head, which in turn, made her even more fretful.

Ajana tried to calm herself down by petting Rex, who was fast asleep, in the book bag Wallace had given her, but it didn't ease her nerves as much as she hoped. Meeting the host family was much more important than meeting any other person.

She would be staying with those people and living in the same house. Even Wallace couldn't tell her how long she would have to remain there. She needed to leave a good first impression.

"What if they don't like me? What if I say something stupid or make a mistake? I could offend them without meaning to do so since I don't understand the culture and customs here." Ajana said in one breath, all the questions and doubts pouring out of her, without her control.

Even to her own ears, she sounded like a scared little child, but she couldn't help but worry. It had always been difficult for her to fit in, and she really wanted to start off well in her new home.

"Why wouldn't they like you? You are an amazing girl Ajana. I don't know many human girls who would take such good care of a hurt owl. Your host family will be able to see what I see, a kind and curious girl. As for the possible mistakes, that is another thing you don't have to worry about. The host families are always welcoming, patient, and understanding, especially when it comes to cultural differences. They are committed to your well-being, and they are aware of your unfamiliarity with our customs and rules. It is part of their job to help you get used to them." Wallace said, trying to sound as calm and as reassuring as he could because he could see how tense Ajana was.

"I never asked. What exactly is a host family?" Ajana asked, trying to find out all the information that could help her better adjust her attitude.

Another reason for her question was the fact that she was a curious girl. There were so many unanswered questiones about the whole situation, but she thought it would be better for her to take it easy, to go step by step.

"Host family is a family that invites someone, usually a person from another country or culture, to stay at their house, free of charge. The person who comes to stay with them lives on equal terms with the family. Their job is to help you better understand and integrate within our culture. For example, they will give you the taste of the local culture by sharing holiday traditions and similar events with you.

"Of course, you will be able to discuss different customs and traditions. In general, you will be able to exchange all kinds of different ideas," Wallace said with excitement and optimism.

"That actually sounds fun," Ajana said, but it was clear that she was still hesitant.

The whole situation was so new to Ajana that she didn't know what to think about any of it. However, once she saw the lonesome house on the edge of the forest, all her doubts were dispelled. Feelings of awe and admiration replaced all her other emotions.

The house, which was obviously their destination, was the most astonishing house Ajana had ever seen, outside the fairy tale books. She thought that it was the kind of home were fairies and elves lived. The outward appearance was that of a regular looking cottage.

However, there was something about it, a feeling that told everyone who would listen that it was special. It was the strangest feeling of warmth and energy that Ajana couldn't help but connect with magic.

That was how magic always felt to her, warm and energetic, full of life.

The cottage was surrounded by a vast number of colorful flowers and bushes that seemed to fit in perfectly. Behind the house was a thick forest whose sturdy trees were protecting the dwelling from any harm that could fall upon it. They also made a perfect backdrop for the charming little house.

Upon seeing her awestruck expression, Wallace couldn't help but tease her.

"Not bad, huh? But if you don't like it, we can try to find something else." He said, laughing out loud.

It was clear from the excitement burning in her eyes, that not only did she like the house, but she adored it.

"Not bad!? This house is stunning! I have never seen anything as marvelous as this place. It is so perfect." Ajana said in a shouted whisper.

She wasn't sure why she was speaking so quietly. It just felt like the right thing to do since the place was so serene.

"I should hope so," a gentle voice chimed in.

"We spent a lot of time and effort to make all of this, not to mention how challenging it is to maintain everything, perfectly. We sure could use an extra pair of hands," a female voice said.

Ajana was so fascinated by the house, that she failed to notice when one of its inhabitants approached them.

For the first few seconds, all she could do was look at her in wonder. It was difficult to believe that there was a fairy standing in front of her. Her brain couldn't register that fact, so she kept on looking at the beautiful being of fairy tales in stunned silence.

She was as tall as an adult human, but from her large pink wings, it was evident that she was a fairy.

Her wings were as gentle as rose petals, but they were also strong, while she seemed fragile. Her long red hair flowed freely down her shoulders and reached until her knees.

She also wore the most beautiful red gown Ajana had ever seen, the type she didn't even know existed. Her big blue eyes were looking at Ajana with patience, but also a dose of controlled curiosity.

"Don't scare the girl, Cassie, she just got here. I don't think she is ready for manual labor, yet." Wallace said, addressing the fairy.

"Cassie Firegrace, I would like you to meet my friend Ajana Stewart."

"It's... a pleasure miss," Ajana said, confused on how she should address the woman in whose house she would live for the foreseeable future.

Ajana even tried to curtsy clumsily. When she did that, Wallace started laughing so much that she couldn't help but blush from embarrassment.

After all, it was his fault. He didn't tell her how she should address the fairy. Even Cassie found it amusing, but she was kind enough to try to mask it with a small cough.

"No need for formalities, my dear. Just call me Cassie and be yourself. In my house, we don't care too much about the formalities." Cassie said.

Her calm and understanding demeanor made Ajana relax a bit. She thought that if all the members of the Firegrace family were as considerate as Cassie, she would be more than fine.

Then came the whirlwind that was the rest of Cassie's family. They were definitely not what Ajana expected.

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