100 | The Last Stare

38 6 6

So our story never ends,
nor do those memories of you, leave.
Though I try so hard,
you, I still see.

Those blazing blue eyes,
That hold an intensity;
Silence that I understood,
when it was only spoken for me.

The darkness they carried,
yet, somehow, in them,
I still saw the light;
Like millions of stars,
In a deep, clear night.

'Oh, why me?' I wonder.
'Why ever?' 'Why not?'
I'm left with a million questions,
But I can't answer a single;
I simply can not.

So yet still,
I stare back.
Unable to stop;
I'm stuck in a trance.

Wondering for the millionth time,
What's the meaning behind that stare?

Remember the first?
Is this the last?
Or are there more to come,
to leave me charmed?

Or will those stares fade away like mist?
Leaving me with memories that won't leave?

I do know one thing,
that if you stare at me again today,
I'll stare back,
one last time.


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