Haunted Eyes

44 13 4

I'm haunted, by my old unwanted memories.

You can even see,

my eyes getting darker,

as I remember,

what I had so longed to forget.

You can see my pain in my tears,

though most of them are unshed.

So look closely,

in my eyes,

if you wish to see,

what haunts me.

It gets hard to breathe,

and each breathe of mine,

feels the last.

Though I try so hard to hold on,

to let it pass.

But can memories be truly forgotten?

It feels like they can't.

The pain, is so intense at times,

that it makes me feel faint.

Tell me please?

How can I let go?

How can I let go of a memory,

that my brain so tightly holds?

I tell myself,

I beg,

I wail.

But I can't stop thinking about it.

I feel nauseous,

I can feel my whole body violently shake.

These are nothing,

but some simple effects of a memory.

So hold me,


I don't want to suffer alone.

I want someone to wipe my tears,

to hold me,

to stay near.

I want to breathe.

I want to be happy.

I want to smile.

Can you help me?

My eyes have become a permanent red,

due to my tears,

so often shed.

So hold me closer,

do not let me go.

If you care,

the show.

After going through everything,

I just don't want to be alone.

#wattpadpoetry2019 #octoberisspooky

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