99 | If You See Me

34 8 24

If you see the tears in my eyes,
know that I have cried,
a million times,
because of you.

If you see me struggling with pain,
know that you are the cause.
I knew you would bring pain,
but like a fool,
I still choose you.

If you see my lips tremble,
know that I have fears,
Due to my own mistake.
But my worst mistake,
was you.

If you see me heave a sigh,
know that I'm tried of hearing your lies.
That I try to push the truth away from me,
trying to believe the lies you told me.
I've started telling lies myself,
because of you.

If you see me trembling hard,
know that it's because of an ache
that you gifted,
wrapped with a couple of harsh words.
All this time,
I've held an aching heart,
Because of you.

If you see me look away,
unable to meet your eyes today,
know that it is because,
I'm scared of the sight of you.

If you see me smile tomorrow,
know that I have let you go.
That I have pulled myself free,
From dark thoughts and painful memories.
From you.

If you see me walk away,
know that I have forgiven you,
But am unable to stay.
I can forgive you,
But I can't forget.

You can leave.
You are free now.
Free from me.
As I am,
From you.

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