Chapter twelve

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As I reached my knife high above him. No body dares to fight me on it. "Papa?" I heard a voice making Francis and I turn. Madeline has came in the room, followed by Amelia. "What are the you doing , mama?" It has seemed that Madeline had gotten her memories back. "Not now girls, we are busy" Francis said trying to push them out. By then I had dropped the knife to look at them leave. "Ivan?!" Amelia saw Ivan and immediately pushed Francis out of the way. "Hey!!!" He said angry. "Gil!!!" Madeline chirped seeing him. She pushed passed Francis and his face was filled with hurt.

"Okay that is enough, do not do that in front of me!" Francis demanded. He got between the four of them like a overly protective father that he is. "Girls listen to your father" I spoke. Madeline listened, however Amelia glared at me. I guess she still hated me. "Look, hate me all you want, but I am trying to help. Now just step outside if you all need to." Everyone stayed silent at my demands. At least they stopped talking. I looked back to the unconscious man and lifted up my knife once again.

"Do we have to leave?" Amelia trying to look into the room. "YES-." My throat felt tight as I tried to figure out what was happening. "Alice!!!" Francis called. I tried to looked at the source, but I already knew what happened. "One move, and I snap her neck in two" the man had woken up...and attacked me. I held my hand up signaling Francis to not try and come to my rescue. His hand squeezed harder on my neck as I tried to keep my cool. "It has been so long since I have seen you...Alice" everyone stood still extremely confused.

"Ummm....who are you?" I looked to the man and he did not ring a bell at all. He looked to me annoyed and hurt. I really did not know who this woman was. "I saw you!!!" He screamed. I looked to Francis and everyone who looked as confused as me. "What?" I asked. "When I was a child....I saw you." He looked to me and I did not know what to say. I was alive for so long and could not get it through. "In England! I saw you. I told you how much I loved you...but you laughed at me!" That is when It rang a bell now.

"David, that was years were a child....I do not grow old. That is why I laughed. It would not work out..." I tried to explain but he looked more angry. "Then who is that??!!" He pointed to Francis, as he squeezed my neck tighter. "That is Mr.France. He and I shared colonies...which are Amelia and Madeline....he is not human, we are not even married or together" I explained. The pain started to make me tear up.

"Please let her go" Francis looked to me scared. I watched their stances. They were about to charge at David. But knew that if they did, he would snap my neck apart. "He is not your husband?" David asked confused and I nodded. "No! I am not her husband. It is not allowed for us countries to marry if it does not deal with business or politics" Francis explained. He was slowly trying to get closer to me. That idiot was going to get me killed, or worse....disfigured for my endless life. I looked Francis feet and he was taking the smallest steps to get to me.

"Good, that means you can marry me" David said. Everyone dropped their jaws shocked as I wiggles more. "Did you not hear what I said? I can not marry you, I would be in trouble" I looked to him in disbelief but he was in his own fantasy land. "We can elope together, I can be with you for the rest of my life" he said excited. What was this man on? There was no way to getting through to him. I looked to Francis mouthing the word sorry to him.

"Alright...fine, I will marry you" I said looking down. David looked happy as he finally let me down. It took me awhile to catch my breath, but once I did I grabbed the knife. "If you can beat me in a duel" I stepped away from him and he gave me a huge smirk. "I knew it would not be easy getting you to agree....but fine. If I win, you marry me" he laughed. I was pretty sure he would not try and kill me, since he wanted to marry me. So that meant I had an advantage.

I looked to Francis who just smirked at me. I was quite excellent when it came to duels. My brothers started to laugh with each other in the corner. They were laughing at me. Those bastards. "Okay....begin!" He yelled. David cane charging at me, and actually nearly striked me , if I did not move in time. "Did you really think I would go easy on you? Once I win, I will make sure to patch you up afterwards" he laughed. This guy was actually crazy, he was not right in the head. "Fine then....neither will I" I said. I reached to my skirt, ripping it so I could have better attacks.

David smirked at me , as he started to charge at me again. Dodging his attack, and elbowing his back to the floor was and easy hit. "Get him" my brothers said. They were doing fighting movements as they watched me. "You are not helping!!!" I kept trying not to get distracted but it was hard. I looked to Francis who was worried the whole time. I am doing this for my family. "Ugh....." everyone stared shocked to what happened. I stepped back away from David. I had stabbed him in his abdomen.

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