Chapter two

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~Alice pov~
Two days later, after I informed Francis of the new departure day. We met at noon at the harbor docks. The only downside is that Mr.Ireland had to Escort me. My brother, had arrived first and I was not surprised that he showed up with company. "Alice , we missed you." They all looked at me with straight faces. "Well thanks for bringing out the welcome wagon" I said. Seamas brought them along only so he would not be lonely around Francis and I. When Francis finally arrived he looked to my brothers annoyed. They never really got along.

"Nice to see you again Francis, did you come to mock Alice failing are war?" Allistor asked with a straighten face. "No, did you?" Francis asked. It was a complete stare down at the two of them tried to see who would crack first. "I did last week" Allistor suddenly burst into laughter as he hit my back roughly. As if rubbing my failures in my face. "You can be a little nicer you know" I removed his arm from me , slowly picking up my luggage. "I get to laugh at you. Your country hardly loses a battle, and when they do, they take up the ass pretty hard"

"Alright I get it, I lost, Will all of you stop throwing it out there? It is bad enough that I am visiting the colonies" I shook me head as I started to stomp on the deck. The journey was six to eight weeks long , that was about a month in a half, or a month if they go at a steady pace. I promised the queen that while on the trip I will get some of my duties done, which I did not mind. If I did not do them, I would worry about them when I got to the America's.

I wanted it to be a good meeting where I did not have to leave fore work like I always did. I wonder if that was a reason Amelia decided she did not need me anymore. She got big so fast and so self reliant. It made me proud but at the same time, she was my little girl, I was like a parent to her and I should have been there more for her. I regret every single bit of it. I looked up to the large ship taking a breath.

"Here we go" I said. As I started to walk up into the ship, my brothers and Francis followed behind me. "Let my carry your things" Francis pointed to my luggage and I willfully threw them at him. "Enjoy" I laughed. As much as I liked Francis, we were not allowed to be together. In order for us to marry, France and Britain would need to unite to one nation. The last time something like that was possible was centuries ago. Besides we just fought all the time, we didn't really have those moments where we felt we "loved" each other.

Because of Amelia and Madeline, they were the reason we had gotten so close. Like a family in a way. However, the it was not considered that way politically. We were like an unofficial family....with issues of course. No family is perfect, and our small one was far from it. "I am actually very excited to see Amelia and Maddie again. I keep picturing them as these young children still. Even though apparently they have grown up a lot" Dylan smiled at the thought. They definitely grew up a lot , but I guess growing up is a good thing. 

Once we got on the ship , there were servants there to tend to everything we needed. "Ms.England, your study is ready for you" a maid smiled at me. "Thank you so much, and you can show them to their quarters soon" I smiled. She nodded at me as she reached to get my luggage. The ship was only harboring us, and a merchants, when is at a few. It was only 5 other passengers besides us. "Alice, what will you be doing later?" Francis looked to me in a hopefully way. "I will be getting some work done in my study, and you?"

"Oh, I was hoping maybe later tonight, we could take a stroll around the ship?" Francis pulled me away from my brothers and stared at me with a huge smile. "Very well, only for a bit though" I smiled. I turned away from him and started to walk off towards my study. I wanted to finish as much as much work as I could. The faster I get done, the faster I could have time for myself to relax.  I smiled at the thought as I continued to walk away. "Would you like anything Ms.England" a maid came to me.

"Just tea love, take your time" I pat her shoulder and continued to make my way to the study. "Alice! Where are you going?" Seamas called. "I need to get some work done, I will be free tomorrow to talk to you, just relax for a bit. This is going to be a long journey" I pointed out. My brothers nodded at me a bit concerned for my behavior. I was not in the mood to talk much , I just wanted my duties to disappear, but I could not do that without some peace and quiet.

I entered my study and was glad that the maid actually unpacked all my things. A loud yell was heard from the deck calling that the ship was soon about to sail. The sooner we get to America the better. Hopefully Amelia is not mad at me like I was hoping. I should probably write out an apology to her, and practice it. That way, when we finally arrive in America, I will be well prepared to say something to her. Instead up letting my mouth get the best of me, as usual. Before I knew it the boat am had started to sail.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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