Chapter six

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"Okay, so it's been a few hours and they haven't come home. We need to wait till morning to go search for them" Allistor tried to explain to me but I shook my head. "It is early still, the sun will set in an hour, just please let me search the property, what if they are hurt somewhere?" I said in a scared tone. "Alice listen, it will be too dangerous for us to search at night. We can go first thing in the morning, as soon as the sun comes out." Francis sat beside me and rubbed circles in my back.

"Miss England , did you want one of us to deliver you assignments back to the castle?" Liz asked. "No no, I will deal with that once I get home. We won't be staying in America long. We only have about two weeks here and that's it" I explained. Everyone nodded at me , as Francis lifted me up to me feet. "Come on , we can rest for now." I pushed him away and marched myself up to the room I used to sleep in.  He was getting too comfortable with me. Especially in front of the servants. It was too much for me.

I sat at the edge of my bed until Francis had walked into the room. "You should have knocked" I said. "Listen, I know right now you are fighting against me with our feelings. But I was just trying to help. I was not going to just not comfort you. Don't you think I am scared too? That I am worried about the girls. Yes they are older and can defend themselves. But something about this just seems wrong. The stuff that was left behind like Maddies'  coat and Amelia's unfinished cake. It is all too weird, and I am just trying to help you."

"I understand that, but I just would not know what to do if the girls were hurt, waiting for help, and were doing nothing." I was trying to hold back my anger the best I could. Francis took a seat on the bed beside me and pulled me in for a hug. "Can you sleep with me tonight....?" I felt embarrassed for asking, but I did not want to be alone. I thought that if I was alone, I would not be able to sleep very good. Or get any sleep in general.

"Yes of course....of course I will sleep with you" Francis rubbed my back again, finally standing up. "I will leave you to get ready for bed while I show your brothers to their rooms." Francis left the bedroom and I started to prepare for bed. "Deep breaths Alice...deep breaths" I slowly took off my close and stared out the window and into the woods. What if they are out there? And they can't find their way home for some reason. I shook my head of the thought and began to put on my night gown.

There was a knock on the door, which snapped me out of my daze. "Come in" I called. Francis stepped in the door smiling a bright one. He was so darling. "You got ready fast" he smiled. He started to undress and I did not pay him any mind. I just crawled into bed in a sad manor that he obviously noticed. "It is going to be okay, I promise we will find them by noon tomorrow" he said. He started to get in the covers with me and I couldn't stop thinking. "Francis?" I called. I turned around to face him.

"Yes?" He asked. "Hold me....please" I was choking back tears. "Of course.." Francis wrapped an arm around me ,holding me closer this helped me relax a lot. "I am so sorry that I am mean to you most of the time" I said. I snuggled against his neck feeling him shiver under my touch. "I forgive you, as long as you forgive me for fighting with you too" I laughed and nodded against his neck. "You have yourself a deal" I kissed his cheek. "That was the first time you kissed me...." he smiled. He was usually the one to give me small kisses like that. "Well, I love you" I said holding him closer. It helped me fall asleep easier.

~later that night ~
"Mama!!!" My eyes opened wide as I heard a call.
"Mom?!" I stood up from the bed quickly. I looked to Francis who was still fast asleep obviously did not hear the voices. I looked out the window and felt scared. "Mom!!!!" A scream made me jump. I quickly put on my shoes and started running out of the house. My girls, they need me. It was pitch black outside as I ran out into the pasture.

Losing one of my shoes did not stop me from running into the woods to try and find them. "Amelia?!!! Madeline!!!!??" I called. I stood at the entrance of the woods... nervous to enter. "Mom!!!!" The shout made me continue running deeper into the forest. "Mama!!! Papa!!!" The yells continued. It sounded like my girls. "Amelia!!! Madeline!!! Tell me where you are!!!" I screamed. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I ran around like a crazy woman. "Ahhhhg!!!!!" My scream was probably heard for miles as I fell down a slope. I slowly stood up and tried to walk.

"Amelia! Maddie!"I said quieter. I looked up from where I was and saw lanterns. My eyes widened and I started to run towards the light. "Hey! Get back here!" I ordered. There were three men. They turned to look at me and soon tried running away. "Where are you going?!!" I shouted. I quickly took my last shoe off, throwing it at one of them. "Hurry! Let's get out of here" they told each other. The men had gotten away by the time I made it. However...."oh, Amelia , Maddie!" I cried. They were unconscious on the floor.

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