IX. Breakfast & Advice

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hello! it is i, jess, at 1:16 in the morning. i wanted to include some gruvia in this chapter and i've had this idea for a while. i debated on maki g a chapter of lucy and natsu going grocery shopping, but there are plenty of opportunities for that in the future. let's get started hehe. see ya in a few!




[Lucy's POV]

This weekend was super productive for me! After coming home from sushi, which was delicious, I worked on my calculus assignment. It wasn't that hard. I told Natsu to do it with me, but he knocked out after the grueling ride home. I ended up finishing the rest of my work on Saturday, after Natsu and I got home from grocery shopping. Sunday was a relaxation day for me, and a homework day for him, so we didn't interact much.

I haven't been able to get what Mira said about us two out of my mind. Did he like me? I decided not to let it occupy my mind that much, considering today consisted of the semi-finals followed by the finals for the volleyball tournament. I'm confident that our team will win!

"Natshu, let'sh go!" I called out for it, a hair tie in between my teeth as I pulled a hoodie over my head.

"Coming!" He walked out of the bathroom without his shirt on, but I had no clue since I was stuck inside my hoodie.

I struggled to find the neck-hole, and I heard laughter from in front of me, followed by footsteps. 

"Need some help?"

"Yesh pleashe." 

I took in a huge breath as Natsu pulled the hoodie down over my head, and was then met with his bare chest. 

"Natsu, you pervert!" I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into the couch.

"What the hell!?" I watched him mumble, as he got up from the couch.

I tucked my blonde hair behind my ear and flipped my head down to tie my hair. This totally wasn't to hide my completely red face. Why would it be?

"You can't walk shirtless around here! That's a rule." I said, the hair tie finally leaving my mouth.

"Mm, someone's flustered. Am I making you blush?" I heard his chuckle and then shot him a glare. 

"No." I spat out.

It was taking all my might to not cover my face. Instead, I took deep breaths to calm myself down, and get back to my normal temperature.

"Really? Are my perfect abs not doing anything?" 

I scoffed, "What abs?"

Now it was his turn to glare. "Hey. We both know I have abs. Don't deny the truth, Lucy."

"Woah, full name? Is that how sad you are about me not noticing your abs?" Now it's my turn to tease.

"As if. You wanna get breakfast or not?" He changed the subject and turned his head towards the door, attempting to hide his blush.

"Y-you're blushing!" I pointed at him in shock.

"Am not! Let's go." He grabbed the keys to the apartment and then opened the door.

I unconsciously grinned, my heart fluttering at the fact that I made him blush.

Stop feeling like this Lucy! You're just friends, and you've known each other for less than a month! 

I decided to listen to my inner self, shaking my head as I followed him out of the door, closing and locking it behind me.  I looked ahead and sighed.

"Natsu, shirt!"

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