VII. Plans Unfolding

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hi cuties! it's been such a long time. well, i got into my top college, so there's that. and i read through this story and decided that i would just write for it when i felt inspired to write for it. so here i am, at 12:42 in the morning writing. see you on the other side, okay?




[Lucy's POV]

Teams D and E were up against each other. I proudly held up the sign for Natsu and the rest of the girls and I would cheer every time they made a point. They had the upper hand, and I could barely focus on the game with all the bickering over a silly plan Mira had made.

"Can you guys be quiet and watch?" I shot them a glare.

"Oh, Lucy-san is just embarrassed. This plan is solid! I bet Natsu-san is going to get caught for liking Lucy soon!" Juvia gushed.

"Juvia is so cute. Such a hopeless romantic." Levy gave her an awkward side hug since she was a bleacher below her. I was so immersed in my conversation with them that I didn't even notice when the guys were walking back.

"Luce! We won! Aren't you proud?" Natsu ruffled my hair and I pouted.

I swatted at his hands, "Of course I'm proud. If Sting's team wins then that means our entire friend group is against each other. That's pretty funny, huh?"

He nodded, grabbing my water bottle and taking a swig of the ice-cold water inside. I watched him carefully, not caring that it was my bottle -- he would constantly share everything with me, and I stopped caring after a while. His forehead glistened with sweat, and my eyes made their way down to his. They were a deep forest green, or were they onyx? They were so dark and focused on the next team that was warming up. My eyes made their way down to his lips, and I gulped, my ears starting to burn.

Someone cleared their throat, and my eyes shot up to Sting. He had a smirk on his face as he leaned in close to my ear, whispering "Down, girl."

My jaw dropped and I smacked him on the arm, him walking away laughing.

"I hate you, Sting!"

"Love ya too, Blondie."


They ended up winning against the other team. They were pretty evenly matched though, so it was the longest match out of the day's. Next Monday is going to be the semi-finals, and then the finals.

We all waited for the gym to clear out before we left, not wanting to get caught up with everyone else.

"Ha, I'm exhausted!" Yukino said, stretching out her arms.

"I want to go ice skating." Lisanna bluntly stated.

I looked over and gave her an odd look.

She shrugged, "It's hot as hell, and we could be inside a cool rink on this fine summer-like autumn day."

"I like the way you think, lil' sis." Elfman put an arm around her and ruffled her hair.'

"You guys just love to screw up our hair, huh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure do!" Natsu said as he grabbed my arm to pull me towards him, and then proceeding to ruffle my hair.

"Oh my.." Mira said, putting a hand over her mouth and giggling.

"Lucy!" I heard a familiar voice from earlier.

Every single one of us turned to look at the purple-haired boy standing behind us. He was standing next to a petite girl with gorgeous jet-black ringlets pulled back into a ponytail.

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