Drop a büm 👇🏼

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Quavo: I just don't like it..I love it on you

Saweetie: Kiss on the cheek* Thank you..And you look good as well Mr.Professor

Qüavo:Chuckles* come on hea girl


Me and Saweetie took a seat of course with me pulling out a chair for her to sit in..and pushing it in when she sat down..

Saweetie: Thank you..

Qüavo: No problem..

The waitress came over..

: What would you guys like to order tonight?

I looked at Saweetie, she looked at me.

Saweetie: Soba.

Qüavo: That's all you want?

Saweetie: I mean yea..

Qüavo: uhhh let us get that Nattō to

: And for drinks?

Saweetie: Champagne

Qüavo: Same for me

Qüavo: You nervous?

Saweetie: noo.. not anymore

Qüavo: Aighh don't lie to me na

Saweetie: Chuckles* I'm not..but tell me something about yourself

Qüavo: What you wanna kno

Saweetie: How did you become this mega super star..like what's your upbringing

Qüavo: Me and my niggas was rapping back in the day and whatnot..we was on MySpace & got discovered from there..recorded label reached out to us and it took off from dea. Far as my upbringing like I said in the car my umm pops wasn't in my life that much..but my mama did everything to the best of her abilities and so I owe her big time..she ain't no how to raise a young man..and on top of that I'm selling drugs here and there she getting put out her crib, it was a lot so I knew I had to change for the better and take this rapping shii seriously

Saweetie: Eveything happens for a reason..I'm proud of you.

Qüavo: appreciate it..wby? How did you become a stripper & shii?

Saweetie: When I dropped out of school when I was pregnant with Josiah I knew I had to provide for him in some type of way..I didn't have no job, no money, and my mama wasn't no help..and so my homegirl put me on to the club. so when I made my first 5 bands Ian never look back from dea.

Qüavo: You a hustler, a boss lady, and a down to earth women..and that's what I like about you, you aren't afraid to speak your mind & express how you feel about certain topics like that..You are a strong female foreal..Ian never met a women like you who is willing to do whatever she has to do to provide for her child like you do.

Saweetie: Tears up* Aww stop it

Qüavo: I'm serious..and I come off as strong as I do because I'm really digging you

: Here are you guys food, enjoy!

We ate & talked it felt good talking to Saweetie and getting to know her more and more as we spend time together.

Phone call*

I looked at my phone which was placed near saweetie..fuck don't let it be one of these hoes..

Saweetie: Aren't you going to answer it?

Qüavo: Picks up* This better be good..

: I need the money for them new Jordan's that just came out.

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