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Ace is so sweet to me..he actually listens to me and gives off feedback.. I had never told anybody about Josiah..how much he actually meant to me and to express myself without being judge is all I ever wanted to do..

Saweetie: thank you for hearing me out ace

Ace:*finish rubbing my feet*/ smiles that's what friends are for..

The doctor knocked on the door*

Doctor: hey Saweetie

Saweetie: hey doc..please tell me I'm able to leave now

Doctor: you'll be taking 2 pain killers a day, getting 8 hours of sleep, and an ice packet we will provide you with one but if you so happen to lose it.. a frozen pack of peas will do the trick now we did set you up for a biweekly appointment just to see how your overall health is

Saweetie: okay thank you doc!

Doctor: you welcome be easy now

Saweetie: will do

The doctor left the room*

Ace: you need help getting up?

Saweetie :yes please

Ace helped me up that shit hurted like hell..the nurse came in and gave me an ice packet, and pain killers..

Ace: Do you need somewhere to stay for a while?

Saweetie: You've done enough ace..I'm good

Ace: Do you think he will be there?

Saweetie: there's a chance..but it's one I'm willing to risk

Ace: it's like your letting him win


Ace: he likes it when you suffer why can't you see it?

Saweetie: so what do you suggest I do..no matter where I go..who I'm with..Qua- I mean my ex will always find me

Ace: your ex is qüavo?

Saweetie:Eye roll* so you said your place right?

Ace:yea..up until everything is settled down you know what I mean?

Saweetie: Alright

We got in his car and Ace took me to his crib

Saweetie: It's nice..why so far out?

Ace: I told you I like peace..I don't have to worry about nosy neighbors...none of that it's just me here

Saweetie: I totally forgot..what about your girl? Is she cool with me crashing here?

Ace: she broke up with me today..

Saweetie:oh wow..how come?

Ace: she assumed that I been cheating on her ..so she went through my phone and found a picture of you in it

Saweetie: I'm sorry had I known you two would've broken up I wouldn't have taken a picture in your phone

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