Chapter twenty-two

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May 10, 1940
"One touch is all I need. One touch from you is the perfection I need. To help me keep my sanity through this world." Francis looked at me in a loving way as he kissed my cheek. "When you put it like that, I suppose it is not as bad as I thought," I laughed. "Of course not, my love," Francis spun me around as I held my smile widely on my face. "I love you Francis" I held him close to me with my eyes closed. "I love you too, Arthur," he said
"WAKE UP!!! TIME TO GO!!!" I jumped out of bed so fast that I nearly hit my head against the wall. "Come on, we have to go already," the person beside me pushed me up. It's been almost a year into the war, and my position was to deliver supplies to other countries for aid. I have not been put into battle yet, and I hope I never do. So far, countries have surrendered to the German army left and right. France and England still stand strong against them. Fighting a hard battle against the axis.

My duty was to fly in the planes that dropped the supplies onto the battlefield, which could be a hard job at times if there are enemy planes in the air. So far the group I was in always managed to make it out safely. I have made twenty rounds so far in the war, and it is just more supplies after another. "YOUR MISSION TODAY IS TO DELIVER THESE SUPPLIES TO THE FRONT AGAINST THE GERMANS FOR THE FRENCH FRONT! UNDERSTOOD?" The general called. "YES, SIR!!!" We yelled together. I hoped every day that Francis wasn't one of the people we sent medical supplies for.

I do not like the idea of him being injured in battle. So far, we had been mailing letters to each other. If I found out where he was exactly, it made me relieved knowing that he got my letters sooner than other times. There is a messenger that is constantly crossing over to France and England—delivering messages to the people and letters for soldiers. I have kept every letter Francis has sent me. He has yet to miss a letter every week. Knowing he was alive and well made me the happiest person in the world.

The group I was in started to load the plane however we stopped suddenly as we heard yelling. "STOP!!! ATTENTION!!! FRANCE HAS BEEN INVADED BY THE GERMANS!!!" Hearing the information made everyone stop what they were doing. Some people freaked out and others tried to figure out what to do now. My group stopped what we were doing as the generals came in. "We need to start preparing for the evacuation of France," I heard him say. My dear Francis, what happened to you, where are you? Would I even be able to see you once the evacuation is over?

May 31, 1940
Poor weather over Dunkirk allowed the British to conduct the day's evacuations with reduced fear of German air attacks. This day was the high point of the evacuation, with a total of 68,014 rescued...."

The announcement of all the evacuees made me happy but not relieved. It had been weeks and no word about Francis or from him. Once they stopped doing rescues, I was going to try and talk to some people to see if I could find Francis. While we were in the same country. Yet, it seemed I might be sent off to fight alongside the French army anyway.

"Are you okay, Arthur?" My buddy asked. "Yes, I have a friend in the French army. I wanted to know if he was okay. But didn't know what I should do," I said. "They should be completely done with evacuation in about another week or so. By then, you could ask around. I hear the French won't be sending that many troops out to fight. But many will be fighting with us." He shrugged, looking at some of the men. "Oh, but you will be leaving to fight soon, aren't you?" He pointed out.

"yeah, thanks for the reminder," I looked at him, annoyed. All he could amid was laugh awkwardly. I guess I will have to wait till I am done fighting. Hopefully, he will be here when I come back. I had not received a letter in a while, so maybe I should stop writing for now. If Francis still is alive and well, he would be too busy to write me a letter. I must do what must be done and just move on for now. I looked at the ring on my finger, feeling a tug at my heart strings.

"Before the war starts"? I should have just gone with it. I messed with the ring, and soon a smile came on my face. No! I can't be thinking this way. Francis and I promised we would marry once the war was over, which is exactly what would happen. We are going to live in rural France, in a calm, quiet place. Just the two of us. I held the locket in my hand and opened it so that I could see the pictures on the inside. A picture of Francis smiling finally cracked me. I had started to tear up.

I would not have changed a thing. If not have knowing him before the war saved me tears... I would not have taken that option. I was to leave in two days to fight, and that was that. Every moment for the rest of my existence depended on how hard I fought against the German army. It had started to rain, and I could not help but look up at the sky. I loved the rain almost as much as I loved snow or that beautiful French music Francis used to play for me. I promise Francis, I will see you one day.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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