Chapter four

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"In the early hours of Sept. 30, 1938, leaders of Nazi Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy signed an agreement that allowed the Nazis to annex the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia that was home to many ethnic Germans.Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler had threatened to take the Sudetenland by force. The Czechoslovakian government resisted, but its allies Britain and France, determined to avoid war at all costs, were willing to negotiate with Hitler. On Sept. 29, Hitler met in Munich with Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain of Britain, Edouard Daladier of France, and Benito Mussolini of Italy to reach a final settlement........."

"Darling stop worrying, just turn the radio off for a second and take a break," Francis pulled me up from my seat and had me turn to look at him. "Don't call me darling, and how could I not be worried? My brothers will probably call me anytime soon." I looked at the phone in my hotel room and felt anxious.  I had been living in France working for about a month, and my brothers call every night, so I am sure tonight would be as dramatic as every day of this month. "Maybe I should visit them this weekend?" I looked at Francis worried.

"No, I don't think so. You are already under a lot of stress; just try and relax," he placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to breathe out in relief. "I guess I will wait for them to call me tonight and see what they would want me to do. Of course, I can't go back to England, I have a contract. I guess I will have to calm them down the best I can." I shrugged. Francis took a seat next to me, nodding. "Sounds good," Francis smiled at me. He really has been the biggest help through this month. Helping me adjust to Paris.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better, I can't stand all this stress. "Arthur, have you considered my offer to move in with me?" Francis became serious as he looked at me. To be honest, I haven't thought about it, however, it would save me so much money....and I would be comfortable living with him during times like this. "Yes...I will do it, how about tomorrow, the second. I have a free day....?" I looked at him serious. "Yes! That would be great." He smiled at me with excitement.

"BREAKING NEWS  Nazi German troops march into the Sudetenland. Without the support of their alleged allies, France and Britain, the Czechoslovakians are powerless against Adolf Hitler's army.!!"

Hearing those words suddenly come up on the radio made Francis and I freeze in place as we looked at each other upset. I tried turning to look at the radio, but Francis held my face to look at me. "Arthur, come with me today, please," he said in a nervous way. He was trying not to show his nervousness but couldn't help it. "I ... I just need to wait for a phone call from my brothers then we can go."
I smiled at him a bit more as he nodded at me in an understanding way. Soon after, I received a phone call which I took immediately.

"Arthur, are you okay?!!! We heard the news!! Are you coming home?" I heard a bunch of voices say, which I managed to put together. "No, I can't, I promise I am safe, and nothing bad will happen, promise," I smiled, changing the language I was speaking as I looked at Francis as well. He just waited for me to finish the phone call. "Okay, just please be careful; I hear things are worse in the east," Allistor took the phone to speak.

"Also, I have a friend here in France that I met and is willing to put me up for a while. Once I get settled in , I will call you so I can give you the number you can contact me at now." I added. I heard a relieved sigh. "That's good that you are not alone; call me when you can." He laughed. "I will do not worry," I added before we mutually hung up the phone.

"Alright then, since I am going with you today, I suppose you don't mind helping me pack?" I asked with a smile. "Of course not; let's get to it," he clapped his hands together and looked around my room to pack some things. Which wasn't much. I owned two luggage's of clothes and bag filled with personal belongings filled with pictures. And a smaller one filled with hygiene stuff. It wasn't a lot, but it got me through the days normally. I bent down to pick up some clothes, hearing a whistle. Hearing it made me stand up quickly to look at Francis.

"No, don't stop bending down on my count," he laughed. I frowned my lips and looked at him unamused. "Francis, you could spend that time talking and helping me pack instead," I pointed to some of my bags. "With pleasure, I just can't help myself around you," he laughed. There he goes again...making jokes as always. He always likes making fun of me. "You are lucky I am busy, or else I would have had to brawl one out with you," I laughed, playing along to his silly game. "Arthur, It is no laughing matter, I am serious," he says.

"Oh really, you talk to me as if you have a crush. How silly can you be?" I shook my head, laughing. I take his jokes to heart. Okay I LIKE MEN.... is that so bad? It can't be helped, and it is even worse in a world where it is bad. I wish his jokes weren't jokes. And he flirted with me like I was his lover. It could never be, though, not as long as I live. "You never know," he laughed. I turn away from his words quickly, hiding my rose-colored cheeks.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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