Chapter Six

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October 5, 1938
After adjusting to the room I was staying in with Francis, it was very nice. I realized every morning, he woke up to make tea at eight sharp. He opened the bakery at ten thirty and waited for customers as he constantly baked bread. Usually, I was out of the house by twelve for work, so that was all I really saw of his day. He made me breakfast every day and had food for me when I got out of work. It was honestly like living with a lover...

I arrived back at the home/shop at seven every day, and each time I never got tired of seeing the sweet smile he made when he saw me after a long day. During that time, he closes the shop at nine, depending on the day. "Hey, I am home," I called with a smile. Francis turned quickly and shined his smile. The smile that made it worth it. Living in Paris, I mean, I want to help pay for some of the bills here so he won't have to work so much. He works long days, and I just want to help out a bit.

"Arthur, always on time" he smiled more. The radiance that comes off of him makes me become entranced with him. My affection for him grows stronger every day. I do not know if I will have the will to leave Paris at the end of the year. "Of course, I wouldn't want to be late," I smiled. I walked over toward him as he stuck his head out of the kitchen area. "I was making some dinner; you hungry?" He asked. "Oh! I am starving," I laughed. "It's been kind of slow today, so I might close up early, depending if someone comes in."

"Whatever you see fit to do. You know, I received my payment for signing on to the company; it's three hundred francs..." he stopped with wide eyes and looked at me. In a "are you serious" way. "Wow, I guess you plan on getting yourself a place?" He asked, a bit sad. I smiled at him, taking out the envelope of money. " fact, I was thinking I would stay here a bit longer with you...and for payment. This is yours" I handed him the money as his jaw dropped.

"What? I-no- I couldn't- what?!" He couldn't get his words together as I chuckled at his behavior. "Yes! It is yours. There will be more where that came from as well, every month, in fact. Use it for the shop, and I want the best for you while I am here." I smiled, pushing the money toward him. If I was going, to be honest, I had a lot of money saved already, so I didn't mind giving him this hand full. Although it was a lot of money to him.... it wasn't really for me. I felt a little bad about the thought. I want him to live comfortably.

He looked at the money, then at me, and then back to the money. "Are you sure?" He asked some more. "Of course, and if you want, after you pay the bills. You can put the rest aside and save for something, uhhh..." I tried to think of something cool but couldn't. "Cookbooks?" He suggested, and I smiled brightly. "Yes!!! Cookbooks! Anything you want," I smiled some more. He slowly took the money, placing it on the counter. "Thank you, Arthur," he said softly.

As if my affection couldn't grow for him more, he pulled me into a hug. Money could never buy happiness, but Francis could give me happiness instead. I think I would do anything for him, just to see his smile every day. I moved my hand to his hair and started to caress it a bit. It was so soft all the time. Suddenly, he separated from me quickly. Shit, I think I screwed up; he isn't into it. He does not like men that way. "I am sorry," I laughed nervously. What if he kicks me out? What will I do?

"Arthur...?" He asked slowly. I felt some sweat come down my head as he studied me. "Yes?" I asked in a high-pitched tone. "I like you," he smiled, kissing my cheek. WHAT?! What does that mean? I am sure he means it as a friend. "Me too, you are nice, a nice friend," I laughed nervously. I could not make it obvious that I felt this way; not many people would like it. "HELLO?!" We both heard a call from the bakery, which snapped us out. Francis Lowered the stove top and walked out quickly.

I soon followed out behind him. He was talking to a customer interested in the bread. The man was in a military uniform that looked ....oh god. It was a German soldier. Why would he be here? He lifted his head to look at me, and his face straightened. "Who's your friend?" The man asked. "A friend of mine, visiting from England," Francis answered. The man looked at me keenly. "Ahhh, England, I hear good things about the country. God save the Queen, right?" He laughed. I think he is making fun of me. "Yes...indeed," I smiled with a nod.

"No need to be so tense with me. My name is Abelard..."He smiled a bit cynical. I nodded and looked to Francis, who tried keeping a straight face. "Nice to meet you," I nodded. However, he wouldn't stop looking at me. "We are polite; what's your name?" He said strongly. "His name is Arthur now. Would that be all for you?" Francis said, a bit annoyed. "No, my two friends are outside; they are tourists that came with me here. LUDWIG, GILBERT!!" The soldier called, and two average-looking men came in. They weren't intimidating or anything and seemed like nice people.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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