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The whole rehearsal, the hot topic everyone whispered about was a masquerade being in the works. It seemed legit, according to the timeline of the Phantom productions, but their whispers clouded practice. The managers let us all leave early because so many women complained of not having a perfect dress picked yet, and that they still need to shop. The odd thing is, nobody said a word of when it will be. A week from now? A month? I still need an outfit! What do you even wear to a masquerade?

"I just picked mine yesterday," Meg smiles and brushes her golden hair over her shoulder. My jaw drops in betrayal.

"Meg! You're supposed to keep me updated on these things..." I pout, shooting her a look.

Her brows draw up, remorseful. "We haven't had much time to chat lately, I'm sorry, Alia."

I shake my head, shrugging. "It's okay, that's my own fault. I'm guessing you two are going together?" My eyes flick between her and Ivan, who wears a sheepish grin.

Meg's eyes haze over as she gazes at Ivan. It seems like they are quite fond of one another. "Yes, we are. I asked him the day after my mother told me about the plan."

Something seems different about them, I can feel it. There's a different connection, even in the way they stand around each other. My suspicions are fueled when Meg's hand slips around his arm in an intimate style, a gesture I would enact with Erik, if we went on a stroll together. She catches my calculating eyes, and her smile instantly brightens.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Ivan and I are an item."

What? "Since when?" I nearly laugh, furrowing my brows together. My eyes land on Ivan, and he keeps shifting his gaze to anywhere but mine.

"Two weeks, nearly," Meg giggles at my reaction.

Two weeks ago? What was I doing for that long? Oh, right. I've been down in Erik's home for a while now, and days just seems to slip by like hours. How did I not notice this earlier? Ivan did seem smitten with Meg the moment he saw her, but I didn't think the Madame would want Meg to date a newcomer. Or perhaps he charmed his way to her heart as well. Typical Ivan.

"Wow," I scratch the back of my neck, breathing a laugh. "I guess I really have been living under a rock. I'm really happy for you two," I smile, gesturing for them to follow. I suggested before rehearsal that we have another outing together for dinner this time, since lunch always seems rushed anymore. My brain feels like deflating. Since when have I become so inattentive to details? Maybe since my brain has been filled with nothing but Erik and daydreams about us...

I sigh ruefully, a pang of longing resting in my chest. What I need to learn is how to be content with the beautiful chances I've had with Erik thus far. It can stay like this between us; sweet and simple, always accompanied by one another. I am content with that. I will learn to accept that this is as far as we go together...

"Do you mind if I stop for the bathroom before we go?" Meg's cheery voice lifts me from my settling thoughts. I nod, along with Ivan, watching her bounce her way into the bathroom. Staring absently, I feel my disappointing content start to wither away as my mind slowly adjusts to reality. A hand touches my shoulder, and I whirl around to face Ivan.

We have grown so distant over the past months, it is hardly an understatement. We were never that close back home, but he always had some excuse to pay attention to me. Now that he has Meg, he has really mellowed out and found his purpose in love. He no longer craves my attention, but Meg's, and I'm satisfied with that. He deserves someone who requites his feelings.

"We need to get out together more often," he says with a small smile, lowering his hand. "I miss hanging out. Meg wants us all to be a tight trio."

Phantom's Fate 《Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now