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"Can I meet you here after rehearsal?" I glance over my shoulder as I step down from the mirror.

Erik holds the mirror open as I turn and face him. "I shall have the violins ready, if you wish to play still."

"Oh, yes," I smile, my eyes lighting up. "It feels like forever ago since I've played a duet. I'll be here on the dot."

As I gaze at Erik, I see the hint of a smile on his lips. His gold eyes are even brighter in the room. "I shall keep you to it." He remembers time is ticking away until I'll be late, so he fixes his cloak, but lingers by the mirror still. "I would like to thank you again, Alia," he adds gently, his face softening. "For...everything you've done for me."

A smile graces my lips as my heart warms in my chest. "Of course. I'd do anything to ease your sorrows and to see you smile, even if that doesn't happen too often," I laugh a little at my own joke.

Erik, too, chuckles in response, which earns a somersault from my heart. Why is he so mesmerizing? "It simply is one of your talents," he says smoothly, with his rich, beautiful voice.

I swoon and bite my cheeks when heat crawls up my neck to my ears. He never fails to make me blush. Why would I want him not to, though? I hope rehearsal goes fast. "I'm flattered," I smile, curtseying. "I must be off now or I'll be thrown to the wolves. Until soon."

I briefly wave and go to the door, checking for a moment that the mirror is sealed tight again. Content, I open the door, not paying attention, until a confused voice startles me from my stupor. It is a familiar one.


My eyes dart up to see Ivan and Meg right outside, and Ivan seems less than happy. Oh, shit! Please, God, tell me they didn't just hear me talking to Erik. I can't pull excuses out of my ass quick enough to reply...

"Who...were you talking to?" Ivan raises a brow, his shoulder brushing against Meg's. I see they've grown closer, too, over the weeks. Of course he has to ask that question.

Forcing a smile, I rub the back of my neck and shrug. "You know I talk to myself, Ivan. Because I can be weird sometimes..."

What the hell kind of an excuse was that?

He narrows his eyes suspiciously. "You must do male impersonations too, then."

"It's not uncommon to talk out windows to people below," Meg nudges his arm, defending my position. I sigh gratefully for her loyalty. I knew she was always one of my most favored characters.

Ivan, however, takes this with a grain of salt. "From three stories below?"

"Are you jealous I have a suitor that scales the side of the building?" I place my hands on my hips and glare. "He happens to be a very nice fellow."

Meg giggles along with me. "I met him not too long ago, and their unique personalities are quite compatible."

My soul is eternally grateful for her. She goes along blindly with my fake explanation! God, I love her to death. If it weren't for Meg right now, I think Ivan would be chewing me out for having some man in my room. Then he'd investigate, and if he even found a trace of Erik, I would have to somehow defend myself.

"Weirdo," Ivan rolls his eyes, and I make note of his attitude. What crawled up his drawers? Before I could redirect the conversation, Ivan snaps his head back toward me. "Wait, then how come you haven't been in your room, or rooms, at all lately? It's like you disappear for days."

The color drains from my face. Oh, God. How do I cover this one up? I've been sleeping on the roof, Ivan. Sounds great. But what if him and Meg go up there periodically? Caught again. If I stay anxiously quiet any longer, he will know I'm lying for sure! But, ah, what do I say! Wait a minute...

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