Signed, Sanity

11 3 0

A large bird sails over the sky, bringing with it a flock of shadows that fall over the ground.
Like fish they swim in the clouds, moving so easily that they put shame to water itself.
Toxic air, burning dirt and waters that swell too close to shore.
They have all come to die today.

Now the food in the take-out bag is cold cause you took too long in the store.
It's a strange feeling, feeling both satisfaction and chagrin as one.
For now, I'm feeling more melancholy than ever before. Perhaps both of us are clueless disappointments of time itself.
But it's nice to know that there is something as despicable as myself among the living.

The winds have turned and we are finally home,
I'm sitting at the dinner table drinking the leftover wine in the glasses.
I'm savouring the crisp grapes and nibbling are the cheeses.
The aftermath of a lifetime is a cold stone.
A band from my childhood is playing on the stereo.
The fireworks have calmed
and I'm wondering if,
perhaps, I could've done something different.
Perhaps we could've ended up in a better place, full of pillows and fireplaces, TVs that gently light up the room.
But I'm sitting at the table, eating the leftovers of the New Year's feast as the music buzzes.

Around me, people sleep deeply in their midnight haze.
The twilight zone lingers outside.
Your skin is far away,
but so is my gentle mind.
So cold, so alone, so forgotten.

sanity of a lost boy

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