It's just a joke, right?

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Perhaps it's the way you shut others out
Perhaps it's the way you convince yourself that you want to be alone
Or perhaps it's the way you constantly pretend to be okay with the emptiness that plagues your mind

You joke about it
You joke about your depression
You joke about how sad and empty you are
You joke about your mental illnesses as a coping mechanism so that you don't have to acknowledge how serious it is
You even invite people to your own funeral, but just as a joke, right?

Everything is fine most of the time
But there are days when you want everything to just be yours and it bothers you that people don't listen
It bothers you that you can't have everything you desire and it bothers you that
that fucking classmate keeps interrupting your presentation with sassy comments
Comments about depression
Jokes about mental illness
Does she think she have the right to joke about such serious matters?
Does she think wellbeing is a fucking joke?

But then you remember that you're the same
You and your classmate use the same coping mechanism to defend yourselves against the darkness that lurks within you
You and your classmate hate each other just because you both try to comfort yourselves with your own suffering
But hey,
It's just a joke, right?

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