Frozen Hearts

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Note : Be warned this part will be longer than the usual length of chapters, mostly because this part and the next will cover the rest of the first Frozen movie.

Flashes of white dart through the woods. Kristoff hops into
   the back of the sled, grabs a torch. Lights it.
                  "Wolves. What do we do?"
"I've got this. You just...don't fall off and don't get eaten."
"But I wanna help."
"Why not?"
"Because We don't trust your judgement."
"For obvious reasons."
"Excuse me?!"
   A wolf jumps at them, but Kristoff kicks it off.
"Who marries a man she just met?!"
Anna grabs the lute, swings it right at Kristoff's head.
"It's true love!"
He screams, as she...BAM!...swings past Kristoff and knocks a
   wolf away.
   Just then Kristoff is yanked off the sled by another wolf.
   The torch goes flying. Anna catches it, shocked.
You and Anna yelled
   Kristoff grabs onto a loose rope hanging from the back of the
   sled and holds on for dear life as he's dragged behind.
"It's Kristoff!"
   A wolf jumps on Kristoff's back
   Anna thinks fast, uses the torch to light a blanket on fire.
   Anna throws the flaming blanket right at him. He ducks. The
   blanket hits the wolves. They tumble off Kristoff.
"You almost set me on fire!"
   You reach out a hand, pulling Kristoff back onto the sled.
"But then again, She didn't."
You said.
   Sven cries out. There is a massive gorge ahead.
"Get ready to jump, Sven!"
"You don't tell him what to do!"
Kristoff shoves a satchel into her arms then scoops her up.
"I do!"
Kristoff tosses Anna onto Sven, then unhooks Sven's harness
   from the sled.
"Jump, Sven!"
Sven jumps the gorge with Anna on his back.
Kristoff goes flying off behind them, still on the sled.
Anna and Sven land safely on the other side of the gorge.
Kristoff's sled loses momentum. It's not going to make it. He leaps off. He flaps his arms, claws at the air.
He slams into the snowy edge of the cliff. Hanging by his hands, he looks down to see his sled hit the ground far below
   and burst into flames.
Kristoff looked in shocked sadness
"..But I just paid it off."
Suddenly, he starts to slip. He claws at the loose snow, but it's clearly hopeless. He's going down.
"Uh-oh. No, no, no."
To make matters worse, an AXE comes flying right at his face.
"AH! NO, NO, NO!"
The axe slams into the snow, inches from his nose.
"Grab on!"
Kristoff grabs on.
"Pull, Sven! Pull!"
You shouted. You ever so badly wanted to use your powers, but you feared for the worst would happen if you did.
The axe is tied to a rope, then wrapped around Sven.
   Anna helps Sven pull Kristoff to safety.
Kristoff rolls onto his back, exhausted. Anna peeks down at the burning sled.
"Whoa.... I'll replace your sled and everything in it."
Kristoff groans.
"No seriously, we're both rich as fuck."
                            You said
"And I understand if you don't want to help us anymore..."
Anna walks off, sadly, as You followed suite.
"Your assistance was much appreciated, Christopher."
You said as Sven comes over and nuzzles Kristoff.
"Of course I don't want to help her anymore. In fact, this whole thing has ruined me for helping anyone ever again !"
"But she'll die on her own."
Said Kristoff as Sven
"I can live with that."
Through their conversation, they watch Anna go the wrong way...turn, go the other wrong way, turn, You stopped in the middle of the path and thought.
"But you won't get your new sled if Their dead."
Said Kristoff as Sven
Kristiff groaned knowing he's got a point
"You know sometimes I really don't like you."
Sven licks Kristoff happily.
"Hold up. We're coming! "
Anna turned excited
"You are?!"
Said Anna catching herself
"I mean, sure. I'll let you tag along."
You then turned to Kristoff
"Thanks. Also...what's with you pretending to talk for the reindeer ?"
You asked
You reach a sharp mountain ridge at dawn.
Kristoff, Sven and Anna walk on a narrow rim of a mountain, as you lead the way.
Then they reach a mountain forest clearing
   As they step out of the thick trees, Anna catches sight of something far below.
"It's completely frozen."
You looked on worry
"But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it."
"Will she?"
Asked Kristoff
Anna looked uncertain
"...Yeah. Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?"
She points straight ahead.
"More like this way."
He points her finger up towards a perilously mighty mountain.
After a few hours You, Anna, Kristoff, and Sven walk beneath frozen willows. The hanging branches glisten like Christmas lights. Sven knocks them with his antlers. They tinkle like chimes.
"I never knew winter could be so beautiful."
Said Anna
Suddenly, a voice comes in from nowhere We'll call that voice OLAF.
"YEAH...It really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? Must we bleach the joy out of it all? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse..."
While this is going on, You and Anna and Kristoff look around for the source of the rambling. They look at Sven - could he actually be talking? Sven looks back at them, his antlers tangled in branches, just as baffled as they are. In the meantime, a nose-less snowman, Olaf, wanders up behind them.
"How 'bout yellow--no, not yellow. Yellow and snow? go."
He stops between Kristoff and Anna. They look down at him.
How did he get there? He suddenly looks up at Anna.
"Am I right?"
Anna SCREAMS! Reflexes take over and she kicks Olaf's head sending it flying off his body and into Kristoff's arms, and Anna jumped into your arms. To which you awkwardly looked at each other and put her down.
Said Olaf cheerfully to Kristoff
"What sorcery is this!?"
You said
"You're creepy."
Kristoff tosses the head back to Anna and they commence a game of hot potato.
"I don't want it!"
Said Anna
Said Kristoff
"Please don't drop me."
Said Olaf
Said Anna
"Come on, it's just a head."
Said Kristoff
Olaf's body runs at Anna, arms waving.
"All right, we got off to a bad start."
"Ew, ew, the body!"
Anna slams Olaf's head back on the body, upside down. Olaf smiles happily, then looks confused.
"Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?"
Anna kneels in front of Olaf and rights his head.
"Oooh! Thank you!"
"You're welcome."
She said
"Now I'm perfect."
"Seriously, WHAT Sorcery is this?"
You asked
"Sorcery ? What do you mean?"
Asked Olaf
"I mean, you are a snowman and you speak in the language humans."
You stated the obvious unaware you were in a Disney movie.
"I thought all snowmen could talk?"
Said Olaf
She looks over his innocent face, gets an idea.
She digs into Kristoff's satchel, holds up a carrot just as Olaf turns toward her. The carrot accidentally slams all the way through his head.
"Woo! Head rush!"
"Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I-I, I was
                  just.... Are you okay?"
Olaf sees a tiny piece of carrot sticking out between his eyes. He lights up.
"Are you kidding me? I am wonderful! I've always wanted a nose."
He exclaimed going cross-eyed to look at his tiny nose
"So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn."
Anna reaches behind Olaf to the bulk of the carrot sticking out the back of his head, and pushes it forward.
"What? Hey! Whoa."
He said seeing his now big nose
"Oh, I love it even more! Hah....All right, let's start this thing over. Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs."
Olaf opens his arms wide to Anna. That triggers a memory. It
   takes her a moment to place it, but then she does.
"Olaf?...That's right, Olaf."
You asked
"And you are?"
"Oh, um...I'm Anna.
"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"
"That's Sven."
You pointed
"Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?"
Said Anna
Olaf looks from Kristoff to Sven, confused.
"Oh. They're--oh, okay...."
                      Said Olaf accepting it
                  "Makes things easier for me."
Sven tries to bite Olaf's nose.
"Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose."
Olaf Gushes
"I like you, too!"
"Olaf, did Elsa build you?"
You asked
"Yeah. She's basically my mom. Why?"
Curious, Kristoff takes one of Olaf's twig arms off, studies it. It seems to be moving in sync with his other arm.
"Do you know where she is?"
You then walked to Kristoff studying the arm
" Elsa did this, then that means possesses the ability to create and resurrect life, like a deity."
"Yeah. Why?"
Asked Olaf
"Do you think you could show us the way?"
Asked Anna
"Yeah. Why?"
Olaf repeated
"How does this work?"
Asked Kristoff bending the arm
Olaf's dismembered arm slaps Kristoff across the face.
"Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here."
Said Olaf
"I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer."
You said
Asked Olaf shocked sinking into wistfulness
"Oh, I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot."
"Really? I'm guessing you don't have
                  much experience with heat."
Said Kristoff
"Nope. But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come."
"Snowmen can't go out into the sun, they'll melt and die."
You stated bluntly
"Hey !"
Said Anna
Olaf then blinked
"My life is a lie. My life is forfeit."

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