Day of Reckoning

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Elsa's face as her eyes flutter open. She sits up. She's surrounded by stone. Elsa looks to the nearby window. Tries to rush to it. She's pulled taut by giant shackles that fit like iron gloves. She's chained to the wall.
Elsa strains to looks out a window...Arendelle is outside, frozen solid and getting further buried under the ice and snow that is falling.
"No....What have I done?"
Elsa asked herself
Hans enters. He hangs a torch by the door.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"I couldn't just let them kill you."
"But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna."
"Anna has not returned...."
Elsa looks to the storm with worry.
"If you would just stop the winter, bring back summer...please."
Elsa meets his eyes, desperate.
"Don't you see...I can't."
Hans sees the sincerity in her eyes.
"You have to tell them to let me go."
Hans walks to the door. He takes the torch.
"I will do what I can."
He opens the door and leaves.
Elsa, distraught, hears cracking. She looks down as her shackles begin to freeze over. The storm outside picks up.
Sven charges down the mountain with Kristoff and Anna on his back. Olaf slides along beside them, penguin-style. You touched down next to Sven pulling your hair back and fixing it from the breeze of the air that messed it up as you were flying. Anna shivers in Kristoff's arms. She's weakening. Kristoff takes off his hat and puts it on her head.
"Just hang in there."
You then turned to Sven
"Come on, buddy, faster!"
They arrive at the walls of Arendelle. Olaf slides past them, out of control.
"I'll meet you guys at the castle!"
"Stay out of sight, Olaf!"
You said
"I will!"
He disappears into the village streets.
Said Olaf
"Ah! It's alive!"
In the castle courtyard Guards see You, Kristoff and Anna approaching.
"It's Princess Anna and King Y/N!"
Sven skids to a stop outside the gates. Kristoff slides off, holding Anna, and carries her to the gate.
"I've got you."
Anna looks up at him, gratefully.
"Are you g-gonna be okay?"
"Don't worry about me."
Just then the castle gates open. Gerda, Kai, and a handmaid rush to help Anna.
"Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick."
Said Gerda
"My Lady. You are freezing."
Said Kai
"You poor girl, you're freezing. Let's get you inside."
Said Gerda
"Get her warm and find Prince Hans, immediately."
"We will. Thank you."
Anna is swept away from Kristoff and into the palace grounds.
"Make sure she's safe!"
"Don't worry Kristoff. Take care my friend."
You said as Kristoff is shut out as the castle gates close on him.
Kristoff stands there with Sven for a beat, staring with worry at the closed gates.
Finally, he sighs, turns and walks off. Sven reluctantly follows. Hans stands with the dignitaries and guards.
"I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna."
"You cannot risk going out there again!"
Said a French dignitary
"If anything happens to her--"
"If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left."
Hans hesitates, realizing how much this kingdom has come to depend on him. Is he really all they have left?
Just then the door opens and Gerda and Kai bring in Anna.
"He's in here. Prince Hans."
Hans rushes to Anna. She falls into his arms.
"You're so cold."
Anna looked at him weak but desperate
"Hans, you have to kiss me."
"Now. Here we go."
She tries to kiss him, but is too weak to pull herself up in his arms.
"We'll give you two some privacy."
Everyone shuffles out, leaving Hans and Anna alone.
"Prince Hans?"
You called to him
"Uh, King Y/N?"
He asked
"Where is Queen Elsa? I wish to speak to her."
"She's in the dungeon."
He said
You then left the room
"What happened out there?"
"Elsa struck me with her powers."
"You said she'd never hurt you."
"I was wrong."
Anna crumbles, weak.
Hans carries her to a couch, sets her down.
She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.
"A true love's kiss."
He takes her chin in his hand and gives her a tender smile. He leans in slowly...gently..Then he stops.
"Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you."


You took a deep breath as you opened Elsa's cell.
"Who's there?"
She said
"It's me, Elsa."
You said stepping inside
She gasped stepping back
"Wait, hold on, it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you, it just need to talk to you."
You and Elsa have a heart to heart
"Don't you get it? I'm a monster ! There's no denying that..."
"No. That's not true, and you know it."
You looked into Elsa's eyes. She was in great pain.
You sighed relaxing and gestured down
"Let's sit down."
You and Elsa sat together on the wooden bench of her cell, with her freezing cuffed hands in her lap.
"It's beautiful."
Elsa looked up
"Your dress. It's beautiful."
Elsa blushed, slightly giggling.
"Oh, thank you. I made it myself."
"With your power you mean?"
"Yes. I conjured it into existence as I was singing a Disney musical number. Don't ask me how, I just sorta thought of it and it happened."
You looked at the dress admiring it
" did all that?"
Asked Elsa
"What you did when I made this rice giants, you just started hovering in the air and were surrounded by a green flaming light and breathing fire."
"Truth is, I never knew where my powers came from. I was just..born with them."
You said
"So was I...I don't know where these ice powers came from."
"Well, I did talk to the trolls, and gave me some very ominous intel on the origins of my power..."
"What did they say?"
Asked Elsa
you mumbled something
Asked Elsa concerned
" know, I think that's a story for another day. Really the only thing important right now is helping you, Elsa."
"Thank you...but, I don't think you can help me."
"Why's that."
You said
Elsa sighed.
"Y/N. Have you wondered what it's like to be frozen?"
You blinked twice
"Um...not really."
"Being frozen can mean many things. It may mean isolating ourselves. It may mean being forced into shutting the world out. Or numbing our emotions and social life. We might be frozen because it is protective, feels safer, or allows us to maintain a status quo—a sense of stability. We might be frozen because we're scared that we can't tolerate what it feels like to be close to others. We might be frozen because we're told we are too intense for others to handle, so we pull back. We may even be convinced that "being cold" is simply how we were born..."
Elsa then turned to You, with sad eyes full of tears
"But is being frozen a choice?"
You looked at Elsa stunned.
"I am so cold, Y/N...."
Elsa whipped her tears away with her sleeve and sniffed
"I's ironic, because the cold never bothered me before."
Elsa looks to see you gently place your hand on her shoulder. It was warm.
You then pulled Elsa into a hug, catching Elsa off guard.
"Ah—W—what are you doing?"
Elsa then relaxed, recognizing what this was.
"Oh...thank you."
Elsa slowly pulled her arms to your neck and hugged you back, her head rested on the side of your shoulder and neck. Elsa had not been hugged in years since the incident, she had forgotten what a hug was and what it felt like. The hug was warm and toasty, like wrapped up in a warm blanket next to a fire furnace. "But...Why? Why do you care so much for me?"
Elsa looked at you
"Well, you for one introduced me to that delicious chocolate during your coronation."
Elsa then giggled uncontrollably
"Was that sarcasm?"
She asked
As she stopped giggling At that moment something sparked inside Elsa. The way you and Elsa held each other in each other's arms and were staring each other in the face, she had a sexual awakening. Something that she should've been able to embrace during her teenage years. Her smile grew bigger as she then held you tighter, and her cheeks bloomed red like roses.
"Y/N. I..."
You were now getting flustered by how tightly Elsa was holding you, and looking at you with a lustful look.
"Thank you. I've never met someone like you. You've been my only friend, even after I ran away scared, leaving Arandelle. And now...I think I've realized something, something I hadn't felt in a very long time, not since we were kids even. I love you. I'm in love with you, King Y/N. I really do love you."
Elsa shed a few small tears, as You looked joyously at Elsa, knowing she feels the same.
"And, I love you, Queen Elsa."
Your lips slowly pulled 2 inches close to each other, Elsa trembling lips hesitated for a moment, but then leaned in, and embraced in a passionate kiss. As You embraced into a kiss with the Queen of Arandelle, your mind wondered away, seemingly in a trance from Elsa's kiss. Perhaps Elsa's kiss held some form of power like her ice magic, almost like a hypnotizing kiss from a mermaid.
Elsa gasped and pulled away, she covered her lips embarrassed
"Oh—oh my I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me!"
"What? No, Elsa it's...wait. Anna."
You then darted up remembering that Elsa has a sister.
"Oh no...Elsa, there's not much time, Anna's heart it''s frozen!"

Childhood memories came flooding back into Elsa's mind of Grandpoppy warning about a frozen heart

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Childhood memories came flooding back into Elsa's mind of Grandpoppy warning about a frozen heart. Ironically, hers actually froze when she realized she herself struck Anna in the heart.
"Oh, god...what have I done?..."
"Hurry! We need to get you out of here, so you can fix it."
"No, I can't ! I don't know how !"
" about we start learning?"
"You see, while our powers are unique, they're also unpredictable."


The Duke looks out the window at the growing snowstorm. He rubs his arms and shivers.
"It's getting colder by the minute If we don't do something soon, we'll all freeze to death."
Hans comes in, putting on his most distraught face.
"Prince Hans!"
"Princess Anna is...dead."
"What...? No.... Mon dieu."
Said various Dignitaries
   Hans stumbles, pretending to be weak with grief. The men help him to a chair.
"What happened to her?"
"She was killed by Queen Elsa. Her own sister."
Hans was really putting it on now
"At least we got to say our marriage vows...before she died in my arms."
He bows his head in a brilliant display of teary grief.
"There can be no doubt now; Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger."
"Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you."
Hans nods; he knows what he's being asked to do, and he'll do it with the perfect amount of authority and gravitas.
"With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason and sentence her to death."
You over heard everything, and needless to say, you were distraught.
There was one thing left you could think of ; break Elsa out and leave Arandelle. But wait...something didn't feel right. Grandpa said that a true loves kiss could thaw her frozen heart, and Hans was the one she loved, and there was more than enough time for him to kiss her.

"Prince Hans."
You said clearing your throat and walking into the room.
"O—oh, my Leigh-"
"Excuse me but...Princess Anna is...dead..?"
You asked
"Yes. Yes, she is dead."
"Are you aware that a true loves kiss can save her?"
You asked
"If I may, you had about a few minutes with plenty of time to kiss her, and you just came out here after I got done talking to Elsa..."
everyone stood in silence.
"Where is she?"
You then glared at Hans
Asked Hans
"Where. Is. The Princess."
You heard a slight bang on the door of the fireplace.
You looked at it and then back to Hans, and you walked to the door
Hans said running after you.
You opened the door and to you surprise you see Anna cradled and shivering next to the fireplace with Olaf there.
She wheezed
All the dignitaries looked in shock as did Hans
"Princess Anna !"
You then glared at Hans and pointed
"Guards! Arrest him!"
You demanded
"Yes, King Y/N!"
They said grabbing Hans by his shoulders and taking him to the dungeon
"No, no ! You can't do this!!"
"Yes. Yes, he can."
Elsa said standing there

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