chapter 6: the new girl

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Lily paid for her lunch and carried her tray to a table in the back of the cafeteria. Even though she had overcome most of her shyness, she still hadn't worked up the nerve to ask if she could sit with other people at lunch. She wiped the crumbs off of the chair and sat down. She was about to take a bite of her turkey sandwich when someone bumped into her. "Oh my god. I am so sorry." The girl who had bumped into her had a sweet , dolls like face. She was wearing bright red lipstick and her hair was strawberry blonde. "I didn't see you there. Do you mind if I sit with you? I'm new here." Lily nodded as she made room for the girl. "I'm Lily. Is this your first day here?" The girl shrugged and opened up her backpack. "Unfortunately. I just moved here with my mom. My parents just got a divorce." The piece of bread that Lily had been chewing suddenly felt like a rock in her mouth. It took her an effort to swallow it. "I am so sorry. That must suck." The girl laughed. "Nah, it's not that bad. My mom's boyfriend has a really cute son." She winked. Lily grinned. "I'm Rachel by the way. Thanks for letting me sit here." 

Lily never had had a best friend before. Of course she had had Zoey, but she usually just bossed Lily around and told her what to do. This friendship was different. Ever since the first time they had sat together at lunch, they had done everything together. They sat together in all their classes, studied together after school, went to the mall to buy an outfit for Lily's date with Liam, watched hours of Netflix together and gossiped about all the girls in school. Rachel and Lily were a lot alike. Now they were in Lily's room, trying on clothes. "What are you going to do on your birthday?" Rachel was trying on an adorable black-and white checkered skirt, which Lily had bought that one time at the mall with Liam. Rachel turned to Lily and posed. "May I borrow this? I have to have dinner with my grandparents on Friday." Lily smiled. "Yeah of course. I'm sure you'll have fun with your grandparents." Rachel threw a pillow at Lily. "Yeah I'll be stuck at an old folks home while you're making out with the hottest guy in school. Seems fair." Rachel sighed dramatically. Lily laughed. "You're being dramatic. And we're not going to make out. He probably just sees me as a friend." Rachel threw another pillow at Lily. "Whatever. I don't know what I'm going to do on my birthday. I probably have to see my dad." Lily frowned and examined her nails. She and Rachel had just gotten their nails done. Lily had gone with bright pink gel nails, and Rachel with red ones. 'Ping'. Lily's phone vibrated. She picked up her phone and checked her apps: it was Liam. 'Can't wait to see you friday!' Lily smiled. Maybe he didn't just see her as a friend.

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