chapter 4: the mall

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Lily could hear her parents arguing in the other room. She had closed the door and was covering her ears with a pillow. Why couldn't they just get a divorce? Its not like Lily was an idiot and didn't know what was going on. She didn't want  her parents to split up but the constant fighting was worse. Lily stood up and sat down at her dresser, and picked up a brush. She brushed her newly blonde hair till it was smooth and shiny. She had bought a new kind of conditioner when she was at the hairdresser, so her hair was straight and not frizzy anymore. Her mom had been frantic when she had come home with blonde hair. She had said things such as "you're only 14" and "what the hell were you thinking Lills." To be honest she hadn't been thinking. She had just followed Zoey as usual. Zoey had gone home two days ago and the days seemed lonely and boring. She could still hear her parents loud voices. Screw this. Screw them. She didn't want to be in this stupid house during their stupid argument. She walked down stairs and swung the door open of the living room. Their parents were quiet at once and stared at Lily, as if they had forgotten she was home. "I was thinking of going to the mall. I need new jeans." Lily's mom raised her eyebrows, obviously not knowing what to say. Lily started to turn around when her mom answered: "I'll take you tomorrow. After my meeting."

The radio was playing in the car. Lily leaned against the window as her mom ranted on about her job and about how people "never behaved professionally". Lily was happy her mom did all the talking,since she didn't feel like talking right now. She pressed her cheek against the cold glass of the window. Today was going to be a terrible day. She didn't understand how her mom could have been so angry last night, and was now so cheerful and chatty. Why did peoples mood always change so fast? They took a right turn and ended up in the parking lot of the mall. "I'll drop you of here, so you can already look around while I look for a place to park. Okay?" Lily nodded and stepped out of the car into the pouring rain. She quickly ran inside while covering her head with the hood of her jacket. She went into America Today and saw some cute stuff, but she couldn't buy anything because she didn't have her moms credit card. "Lily?" A woman's voice from behind. Lily turned around and stood face to face with Mrs. Asher. "I didn't even recognize you. Your mom didn't tell me you had gone blonde." Lily shrugged. "Speaking of your mom, is she here with you?" Lily was just about to tell her that she was parking the car when her mom came in, completely wet. "Sandra, hi there," her mom shrieked as she gave Mrs. Asher a hug. "How are you?" While the two women chatted along Lily tried on a few items, and checked out with some cash she had found in her pocket. "Honey, we're going to go to Starbucks now. You can continue shopping. Liam is right over there. He wants to join you, okay?" Her mom said something else about not spending to much but Lily wasn't listening anymore. Lily gazed at the place where Liam Asher was standing. He smiled broad at her. She smiled back and started walking towards him. She was done with being shy all of the time. She wanted to do what felt good. 

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