chapter 2:the Ashers

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4 years of high school seemed infinite. Lily had barely even made it through the first week. So far Maddy (Madisons nickname, everyone called her that) didn't seem to be very interested in making Lily's life a living hell. Every now and then when Lily would see her walking through the halls in school Maddy would stop and make a sarky comment but then they would both move on as if nothing happened. It was almost as if Madison was bored with picking on Lily. "Honey, I am going to go run over to the Ashers. I'll be back in half an hour, okay?" Lily hadn't realized her mom had been standing in the living room and was startled by her voice. "Yeah, sure. That's fine." Honestly it wasn't fine. Lily hated being home alone more then anything. She had this huge house to herself and it was as if it was telling her that she was just a small, fragile little girl. Lily's voice must have trembled when she spoke because her mom put her hand on her shoulder and looked at her daughter with a concerned look in her face. "Are you sure? Because you know you are welcome to come and they would love to see you again." Lily nodded. The thing was, she didn't like going over to see the Ashers. Mr. and Mrs. Asher were both perfect human beings and had created perfect kids. Whenever Lily went there she felt like the odd one out. Maybe it was childish, but she felt out of place when she was there. "Don't you go to the same school as Liam?" Liam Asher. One of the three perfect kids. Lily had had a crush on him since elementary school. He had dark curly hair and these beautiful blue eyes. And his dimples. Lily would do anything to touch those cute dimples. Obviously Liam was far out of Lily's reach, as if she even had a reach. When they were kids they used to hang out but then Liam went to middle school and they just stopped hanging out. The age difference was kind of awkward.  Friendship gone. Dead. Finished. Liam was the one kid who always had stayed nice to Lily. Even after Madison and her crew had decided she wasn't cool. Whenever she would see him he would wave at her. She of course would be too intimidated to wave back or to forge a smile. Lily sometimes would fantasize about her and Liam kissing under the mistletoe, start dating, after high school both go to separate colleges, but after college find each other, get married, have two perfect children and so on. "Yeah he goes to my school. He is a sophomore." Her mom muttered something as she grabbed something out of her pocket and didn't even seem to hear what Lily had said. Of course it was stupid fantasizing about Liam being her boyfriend, but a girl could dream. "Okay then  I"ll go without you. There's pasta in the fridge if you get hungry," said her mom while she was shoving her phone into her purse. "Call me if you need anything." She kissed the top of Lily's head and left the room leaving a scent of perfume behind. 

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