14 - Not Safe Anymore

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"Are you sure?" Mina frowned to her parents.

"Never more sure." Her mother smiled. "It's your first concert back. Enjoy it." She continued. "And it gives us time to spend with Haruki." She cooed over her grandson.

"Thank you mom." Mina hugged her mom tightly, remembering that she needed to give her a great gift later.

It was their first concert in a long time, kicking off in Japan. Everyone was hyper, energy was high, and it was just going to be a great time.

"Nervous?" Momo whispered to Mina, her arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her loosely. She nodded slightly. She had been out for over a year, her first debut in a while. She passed her weight check, but she felt different. She knew she looked different too. "Don't be. I'll be right there with you." Momo kissed her cheek, pulling her close.

"Thank you." Mina sighed. "I look okay?" She asked while smoothing her shirt down.

"Beautiful." Momo pecked her cheek again and again. Mina's cheeks blushed red as she tried to fight her girlfriend off of her. 

"Five minutes girls." Their manager announced. The nine girls got to their spots, all of them joking around as they found their way to their markers. 

"Ready?" Jihyo asked Mina quietly. 

"I hope so." Mina sighed while adjusting her in-ears. 

During the concert, the fans were incredibly excited. Mina's sudden performance made it all the better for everyone in the crowd. They were happy to see her on stage again, smiling, singing, everything. When the concert was finished, Mina immediately checked her phone for any messages. She saw a photo message from her mom. It was Haruki laying in his seat asleep with Ray sleeping next to him. Immediately she showed Momo who cooed over the picture. 

"We should get a dog." Momo smirked. 

"With what time?" Mina scoffed. 

The rest of the members had split off from Momo and Mina, the rest going to their hotel while the couple went to retrieve their son. 

"Was he good?" Momo asked quietly. 

"An angel." Mr. Myoui smiled at them. 

"We're sorry it's so late.." Mina apologized. "I didn't want to leave him overnight.." She frowned while getting his things together. 

"No trouble. Don't worry about it." Her mother smiled at her. "We love every second with him." She reminded her. Mina gave her a hug, she didn't know what she did to deserve such amazing parents. 

It wasn't long before they were back at the hotel, both of them setting everything up for bed. Mina hid herself in the bathroom, her shirt lifted up as she stared at her scar. Thank goodness she never wore anything that low or else everyone would have seen it. She frowned at it, the little stretch marks she had on her sides that she would tape over and cover with makeup if she wore anything revealing... She still felt incredibly bloated all the time and hated herself for it. 

"What are you doing?" Momo's voice pulled her from her anxiety fueled thoughts. Mina shook her head, letting go of her shirt, letting it fall back over her stomach. "Are you comparing yourself again?" She frowned. 

"I can't help it.." Mina frowned. "Look." She lifted her shirt again, her fingers lightly tracing over the marks on her stomach. Momo walked behind her, watching her lips form a small frown as she traced the marks. "It's disgusting..." She frowned. 

"No it's not." Momo wrapped her arms around Mina's waist. 

"How can you keep saying that? I'm not perfect..." She whispered. 

"You are to me. You always were. You haven't changed." Momo explained. "I love you Minari." She held her tighter, burying her face in her neck. 

"I love you too... But I just don't understand why you love me..." Mina whispered. 

"Because." Momo smiled while pressing her lips on Mina's neck. "You're always looking out for everyone, especially me..." She whispered. "You have a beautiful personality... Your talents with everything in life always amaze me.." Momo continued to kiss her neck, making Mina forget why she was upset in the first place. Momo continued to go down the list of reasons why she loved Mina, making her go weak at the knees. "Do I need to continue?" Momo smirked. 

"Yes.." Her voice sounded as if she needed Momo to keep talking. It made her feel safe hearing all of those things. 

When they arrived back in Korea a few days later, the little family eager to rest for a few days at home. As they climbed the stairs to their apartment, their manager stopped them, his face unreadable. Momo peeked around him, seeing their door opened, the handle completely destroyed. Mina covered her mouth, holding Haruki's seat closer to her. 

They stayed at the old dorm while the managers handled the police. 

"Someone just broke in?!" Sana exclaimed. 

"I guess while we were all gone..." Mina frowned. 

"Manager said the police want us to do a walkthrough.. See what was taken..." Momo frowned while looking up from her phone. "The apartment is a mess..." She groaned. 

"Who would do such a thing?" Nayeon frowned. 

"Horrible people... That's what." Jeongyeon snapped. 

"You two go. We'll watch Haruki." Jihyo reassured Mina. 

"Everything is in his bag. If he gets fussy he has a bottle." She quickly explained before leaving with Momo. 

When the couple got back to their apartment, they saw everything was practically in shambles. The living room was turned upside down, picture frames moved, some had broken glass. Couch cushions thrown all over the place... The only thing missing from the living room was the little table.

Momo walked into the kitchen to see all of the cabinets opened, drawers thrown open.. It was if they were looking for specific items in there. She wandered out to their dining room, seeing the only things moved were the chairs. 

Mina walked into their bedroom, seeing the closet thrown onto the floor and their bed flipped over. She walked over to her nightstand seeing the drawers wide open and her things on the floor. She reached in and felt the top of the cabinet from the inside. She pulled on the little tape, feeling a necklace fall into her hands. 

"Oh thank god." Mina breathed while pulling it out. 

"What is it?" Momo asked. 

"My grandmother's necklace... I never wear it because it's so expensive..." Mina explained. "So I taped it to the inside of the stand." She sighed. "They didn't take it." She smiled while holding it up. 

Both of them wandered into their son's room, seeing the place in shambles as well. Thankfully nothing was taken from that room. 

"Do you know of anything immediate that has been taken?" The officers asked. 

"Our living room table for starters." Mina frowned while looking back at the living room.

"Some of our jewelry is missing too." Momo started listing the rings and necklaces that were missing from their bedroom to the officer, showing pictures of them as she went along. Mina crossed her arms over her chest, anxiety creeping into her chest as she thought of everything. 

If she hadn't gone with them for the concert... She could've been home for all of this...

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