Night walk

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The sleepover had been going great, that was until about the middle of the night.

Sophie wasn't terrific at getting a whole night of sleep, and she mostly just operated on her exhaustion, and that night was no different.

But because she was at a sleepover with all her friends, she couldn't just get up and secretly do something. People were asleep, and what would she do anyway?

The friends had planned a sleepover at Everglen weeks before, and the whole night had been full of laughs and smiles. They had feasted on Della's baked goods. They had given Iggy a makeover. They had played hours on end of basequest, and then they all just talked for hours and hours in their sleeping bags.

It had been one in the morning when they finally called it a night, and most everyone had fallen asleep right as their heads hit the pillow.

But Sophie, caught up in the excitement had been drifting in and out of restless sleep.

And that was sugar-coating it.

She checked the time.

Four in the morning.

Wow, she was bored.

She pressed her eyes shut, trying to maybe get a couple of hours of sleep, but it was almost impossible.

It was almost too quiet and dark in the room.

If you really focused, you might be able to hear crickets chirping in the background.

So Sophie did listen.

Really hard.

And all she heard was...


She sat up quickly, and scanned the dark room, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness for a second before studying each of her friends, and last of all, when she came to Keefe, there he was, shivering and turning in his sleeping bag.

She watched him for a second in concern.

Should she wake him up?

It was just a nightmare, and she shouldn't wake him up from getting his rest, but on the other hand, he looked really scared, and almost upset.

It made her upset.

Or maybe that was just her wanting a companion at this hour.

She watched him for a couple more minutes, purely out of concern, hoping he didn't wake up so he wouldn't see how stalkerish she looked right then.

She sighed, and turned again, sinking back into her sleeping bag.

She wouldn't wake him up.

But she jumped after a few minutes, because she heard a small cry out, coming from Keefe's general direction.

Okay, she couldn't stand this.

She had nightmares all the time, and she was certain that if it were a different sleepover and she was crying out in fear in her sleep, Keefe would do the same.

She creeped up and stood, tiptoeing slightly across the room to where Keefe lay in his sleeping bag, standing for a second and contemplating again before crouching down and sitting on her knees, putting a gentle hand on his shoulders and shaking his softly.

He jolted and his eyes snapped open.

She sat by his side on her knees so he wouldn't have to see her looking over him creepily first thing, but he saw her in a second.

"Is everything okay?" He whisper hissed at her, scanning the room quickly when his senses started working.

"Yeah, Keefe. Calm down." She whispered back. "I couldn't sleep."

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