Moonlight P2

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"Psst.. Foster!"

Sophie literally almost had a heart attack. She almost had a heart attack right there on the balcony, and that was only an understatement.

"Keefe!" She whisper hissed at the dark, grinning figure at the bottom of the balcony. "Are you insane?! What the heck are you doing here?!"

Keefe and her had hung out quite regularly since they first met months ago, usually on the balcony where they first met, but tonight was definitely not the time. Sophie was grounded for the next two weeks because she had gotten detention -- detention for something that Keefe had gotten her into. No seeing friends when she was grounded, and no leaving the house for anything that didn't regard school.

She frantically glanced from him to the closed door. She had escaped onto the balcony a couple of minutes earlier to get a break from the boring stuffy air that she had been confined to for days already, and she had to admit, it if meant not getting detention, she might just stop hanging around Keefe. That is, if it weren't from the fluttery feeling that came to her stomach whenever they hung out.

"I came to save you, Foster!"

"Keefe!" Sophie frantically gave him the universal 'shh' sign, and buried her face in her hands. "I can't leave! Do you know how much trouble I'd be in?!"

"I figured you'd say that." Keefe frowned, but his grin was quickly replaced by a smirk. "That's why I came to you."

"Um, Keefe, this is a terrible idea on many different levels, and you definitely don't want my dad finding you out here, so if I were you, I'd get out of here!"

"Foster Foster Foster," Keefe laughed, "You gotta learn to live a little! Now... how sturdy do you think that this trellis is?"

Keefe strutted over, and shook the trellis before slowly testing his weight on it.

"You can't possibly be thinking of-" Sophie groaned as Keefe began to agily climb the trellis. "...And, now you're climbing up the trellis. We're dead, you know that, right?"

Keefe just grinned at her as he climbed further up, closely enough that he could jump up onto the balcony. But then he wobbled, and leaned backwards.

Sophie screamed and ran to the edge.

"Calm down Foster," Keefe chuckled. "Just messing with you."

Sophie covered her mouth with her hand and angrily glanced between Keefe and the closed balcony door.

"Okay, so you, the person who got me grounded, comes to my house illegally under my parent's rules, and climbs up the trellis and makes a really not funny "joke" that could get us busted!?"

"Pretty much," Keefe agreed, hauling himself over the edge of the balcony and standing in front of her, smiling proudly.

"Grady is going to come out her any minute," Sophie mumbled under her breath, "And he's going to lose it. He's going to bust me, and we're never going to be able to talk to each other again, you know that right?"

Seconds passed in silence as they waited for a very angry Grady to burst through the doors, but no one came.

"You are so lucky..." Sophie grumbled at him. "Now, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING!?"

"I was thinking," Keefe corrected her, "It's past tense."

"Whatever." Sophie snapped. "Now what were you thinking?! Or were you thinking at all?!"

"Hey, no need to unleash the adorable Foster rage on me now." Keefe patted her twice dismissively on the head, and she scowled at him. He walked over to the side of the balcony, putting his hands on the railing and leaning over.

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