Spilling the Tea (featuring Biana)

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"I'm literally so single." Biana decided as her and Sophie both flopped down horizontally onto Biana's giant plush canopy bed.

"Oh please," Sophie responded. "You're going to have no trouble finding someone. And," she added when Biana snorted, "let's not forget the pretty way you were blushing at Tam just now."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Biana informed Sophie.

They had just came back from a lengthy game of base quest with Fitz, Keefe, Tam and Dex. Linh was supposed to come, but she was busy. With Wylie.

The boys had wanted to play bramble next though, and Biana thought that Bramble was weird. Sophie herself didn't have enough agility or coordination. They had escaped upstairs to talk instead.

"I mean it." Sophie told her. "You guys would be really good together."

Biana turned red. "Sure." They sat there a second before Biana took a dramatic topic change though. "And what about you? We never seem to get to talk about your love life."

"That's because I don't have one."

"Are you kidding?!" Biana laughed. "Keefe?"

"What about Keefe?"

"Sophie," Biana sighed, taking a long inhale. "You're my best friend, but sometimes I wonder, how can someone so smart be so... oblivious?!"

"I'm not oblivious!" Sophie argued. "You're just observant."

"Nope." Biana informed her. "Keefe's shown plenty of signs that he likes you, and you just keep on walking over them."

"Wait -- Keefe likes me?!"

"See what I mean?!"

"Wait... actually?!"


"I don't think you even know what you're talking about."

"Sophie, I mean it!"

Sophie raised an eyebrow at Biana. "You don't get it. Keefe definitely doesn't like me."

"And why are you getting so defensive?" Biana shot back. "Do you not like him?"

"I never said that!"

"So you do like him!"

"Biana be quiet!" Sophie scrambled to clap her hand over Biana's mouth, "And I never said that either!"

"You totally do." Biana wiggled away from Sophie's tight stranglehold and crossed her arms at her, grinning.

"I don't know!" Sophie cried. "And I don't think he likes me!"

"Why not?" Biana asked. "Because you could ask anyone here, and they could totally tell you that Keefe has dropped thousands of signals. Ever since you guys met, I'm pretty sure."

"No he hasn't!" Sophie protested. "I never noticed, so they obviously weren't actually signals! You're just thinking they are!"

"No, Sophie, you're just dumb. Plus, how could Keefe not like you? I mean, you're a whole snack."

"God, Biana." Sophie buried her face in her hands. "He really doesn't."

"If you think no one likes you, then you just aren't looking hard enough." Biana informed her. "You've never suspected he wants to be more than just friends? Not once?"

"I don't know!" Sophie squeezed her eyes shut. "I've never thought about it that hard!"

"Well you have a photographic memory," Biana informed her, as if Sophie didn't already know. "Think back to every single moment you guys have had together. Ever. I'm almost positive that one of you two was blushing. In every. Single. One."

"I'm not doing that." Sophie decided.

"Oh come on!" Biana demanded. "You've never once gotten butterflies before? Or anything?"

"Well, maybe a few times, I guess." Sophie decided.

"You're into him."

"Biana, I never said that!"

"You said it close enough."

Sophie turned over on the giant canopy, flopping onto her stomach and grabbing one of Biana's frilly pillows that she propped herself up with.

"Okay, Soph, I'll leave you alone, promise. But really. I really want to know. So please! Please tell me! I won't tell anyone, I promise!"

"Biana! I actually don't know!"

"Well then look down deep in you feelings! Know that one time that Keefe (Sophie tried not to notice how Biana winked when she said Keefe) told us how sometimes you tell your mind something so many times that you forget what your heart actually wants?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well it's probably that then. You should try. You know, looking into your heart. As stupid as that sounds."

"Well, I guess." Sophie decided out of curiosity more than anything, and then she really did try to look deep into her feelings to find something, but it was too hard on will. She thought back into every moment they had ever spent together, searching for the moments when she might have blushed, or gotten butterflies, and she didn't want to admit it, but there were a lot.

"Oh gosh," Sophie buried her face in the pillow and tried to ignore Biana's squeals as she told her, "I think I like Keefe."

"Congratulations!" Biana squealed. "You're officially the very last one to figure it out!"

"Biana!" Sophie groaned, ignoring her last comment, "What am I supposed to do!?"

"You tell him how you feel, Soph." Biana told her. "It seems scary, but I'm telling you, he feels the exact same way."

"But am I sure I actually like like him?" Sophie asked, "What if I actually don't, and then I tell him, and then it turns into a mess?"

"Sophie, you're just second guessing yourself, and I can't tell you how to feel, but I know you like him, and I know for a fact that he's liked you since we were like twelve at least."

Sophie turned over yet again onto her back and sighed. "This is so embarrassing. Am I actually the only person who doesn't know this?"

"Pretty much," Biana informed her matter of factly. "But in your defense, you have had a lot going on since you've come to the lost cities."

"Tell me about it," Sophie mumbled. Between everything that had happened, she hadn't exactly had the most time to think about boys too much.

"You know, Biana," Sophie said slowly. "You're actually really good at this stuff for someone who's supposedly 'so single'."

Biana rolled her eyes. "Shut up," she laughed.

"No way! We talked about Keefe, now it's Tam's turn!"





"Well... maybe..."

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