☾Final Wish☾

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1941, Canada

"Taty." The tribrid stood from her place on the couch and rushed into the room, her eyes landing on the frail body of her best friend, Tamara.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tamara could only smile at the care her best friend had for her after all these years.

"I'm alright, Taty. I was wondering if we could talk a walk." The tribrid wasted no time as she pulled the covers off of the witch, helping her onto the wheelchair. Tamara sent her a wrinkled smile in gratitude, the Original wanting to cry. The Romanov royal wheeled her outside, soaking in the summer heat.

They remained in silence as they headed down the sidewalk, Tamara smiling at the view of the Niagara Falls. She loved listening to the crashing of the water as it fell below. It was calming for her. It had been 26 years since the attack on the vampires in Chicago, and also when Tamara broke the news to Tatiana.

The tribrid pleaded Tamara to let her turn her, but the witch turned it down every time. 'I was born a witch,' she had told her, 'and though I love you as my sister, despite what you are because I know you had no choice, I do not wish that fate upon myself. If I were to turn, I'd lose my magic, the part of me which makes me who I am. I wish to die with that part of me. I love you for offering but, I was born a witch, and I will die a witch.' Tatiana had cried harder than she ever had before.

'But I'll lose you as well, Tamara.' She whimpered through a choked sob, Tamara smiling sadly as she wiped the tears that fell from the Romanov's eyes rapidly.

'You'll never lose me, Niko. I will always be with you, guiding you and protecting you. You're stuck with me until the end of time.' Tamara grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze, urging the tribrid to look at her, and she did. Tatiana squeezed her hand back through the tear filled eyes, not being able to reply for the knot lodged in her throat prevented her from doing so.

"I have something for you." Tamara spoke up after the two sat in silence for an hour, just listening to the water falls. Her voice shook because of her age, her fingers trembling as she placed a hand over Tatiana's. The tribrid inhaled deeply, before glancing at her best friend.

"I started making it back in 1001. I knew that once word of what you were spread, many people would come for you. I realized that I'd be leaving you one day, and I wanted to protect you from whatever may come. I do not know what can kill you, and I fear someone will find out before you. That is why I have spelled this necklace for you. It will protect you from whoever wishes your demise. My death will seal the spell, the necklace holding mine and my ancestor's magic. We are a powerful coven, and they love you for protecting them in Russia and protecting me throughout the years. They wanted nothing more than to grant my final wish, for you to have no weakness. They know you'd never use it for evil, and that is why my ancestors and I have placed our magic in here. When I die, my magic will leave me and instead of being consecrated by my coven, it will will be stored in this. You protected us from the beginning Tatiana, now it is our turn to protect you." Tears brimmed her eyes once again as she held the necklace in her hands. She recognized the golden necklace and the R engraved into the side. She knew it all too well.

"This was my mother's." She whispered, her fingers trailing the details of the necklace. Tamara smiled at her, knowing why she was so emotional. She was talking about her birthmother.

"She gave it to me to give to you when I thought the moment was right. I knew from the very beginning on what I would use it for. That is why I would meet with witches from different countries. To ask for their help in creating a strong enough spell that would be eternal. It took a lot of convincing, but they agreed in the end." The tribrid's eyes widened at the revealed information. She never had a clue that that is why Tamara would meet up with witches. She thought it was a witch thing.

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